Source code for syconn.utils.segmentationdataset

import numpy as np
import os
import cPickle as pickle
from knossos_utils import chunky
import re
from scipy import ndimage
from scipy import spatial
import shutil
from multiprocessing import Pool
import glob

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SyConn - Synaptic connectivity inference toolkit
# Copyright (c) 2016 - now
# Max-Planck-Institute for Medical Research, Heidelberg, Germany
# Authors: Sven Dorkenwald, Philipp Schubert, Joergen Kornfeld

    import QSUB_MAIN as qm
    qsub_available = True
    qsub_available = False

from syconn.utils import basics

[docs]def get_rel_path(obj_name, filename, suffix=""): """ Returns path from ChunkDataset foler to UltrastructuralDataset folder Parameters ---------- obj_name: str ie. hdf5name filename: str Filename of the prediction in the chunkdataset suffix: str suffix of name Returns ------- rel_path: str relative path from ChunkDataset folder to UltrastructuralDataset folder """ if len(suffix) > 0 and not suffix[0] == "_": suffix = "_" + suffix return "/obj_" + obj_name + "_" + \ filename + suffix + "/"
[docs]def path_in_voxel_folder(obj_id, chunk_nb): lower = int(obj_id / 1000) * 1000 upper = lower + 999 return str(lower) + "_" + str(upper) + "/" + str(obj_id) + "_" + \ str(chunk_nb) + ".npz"
[docs]def extract_and_save_all_hull_voxels_thread(args): path = args[0] object_dataset_path = args[1] set_cnt = args[2] obj_key_list = args[3] object_dataset = load_dataset(object_dataset_path) set_dict = {} for obj_key in obj_key_list: obj = object_dataset.object_dict[obj_key] vx = obj.voxels hull_vx = vx[obj.create_hull_ids()] set_dict[str(obj.obj_id)] = hull_vx np.savez_compressed(path + "/%d" % set_cnt, **set_dict)
[docs]def extract_and_save_all_hull_voxels(object_dataset_path, overwrite=False, nb_processes=1, use_qsub=False, queue="full"): object_dataset = load_dataset(object_dataset_path) path = object_dataset.path + "/hull_voxels/" if os.path.exists(path) and overwrite: shutil.rmtree(path) elif not os.path.exists(path): pass else: raise Exception("Hull '%s' directory already exists." % path) os.makedirs(path) obj_keys = object_dataset.object_dict.keys() objs_p_job = 2000 while len(obj_keys)/float(objs_p_job) > 1000: objs_p_job += 500 if objs_p_job >= 4000: break print "%d objects per jobs" % objs_p_job set_cnt = 0 multi_params = [] obj_key_list = [] for ii, obj_key in enumerate(obj_keys): object_dataset.object_dict[obj_key]._path_to_hull_voxel = \ path + "/%d.npz" % set_cnt obj_key_list.append(obj_key) if (len(obj_key_list) == objs_p_job) or (ii+1 == len(obj_keys)): multi_params.append([path + "/%d" % set_cnt, object_dataset_path, obj_key_list]) obj_key_list = [] set_cnt += 1 if use_qsub and qsub_available: path_to_out = qm.QSUB_script(multi_params, "extract_and_save_all_hull_voxels", queue=queue) else: if nb_processes > 1: pool = Pool(nb_processes), multi_params) pool.close() pool.join() else: map(extract_and_save_all_hull_voxels_thread, multi_params) save_dataset(object_dataset)
[docs]def extract_and_save_all_hull_voxels_loop(object_dataset_paths, overwrite=False, nb_processes=1, use_qsub=False, queue="full"): for object_dataset_path in object_dataset_paths: extract_and_save_all_hull_voxels(object_dataset_path, overwrite=overwrite, nb_processes=nb_processes, use_qsub=use_qsub, queue=queue)
[docs]def check_all_hulls_thread(args): object_dataset = load_dataset(args[0]) step = args[1] misses = [] for key in object_dataset.object_dict.keys()[step*100000: (step+1)*100000]: if not isinstance(object_dataset.object_dict[key].hull_voxels, np.ndarray): misses.append(key) return misses
[docs]def check_all_hulls(object_dataset_path, nb_processes, use_qsub=False, queue="full"): object_dataset = load_dataset(object_dataset_path) multi_params = [] for step in range(int(np.ceil(len(object_dataset.object_dict)/10000))): multi_params.append([object_dataset_path, step]) if use_qsub and qsub_available: path_to_out = qm.QSUB_script(multi_params, "check_all_hulls", queue=queue) out_files = glob.glob(path_to_out + "/*") misses = [] for out_file in out_files: with open(out_file) as f: misses += pickle.load(f) else: if nb_processes > 1: pool = Pool(nb_processes) results =, multi_params) pool.close() pool.join() else: results = map(check_all_hulls_thread, multi_params) misses = [] for result in results: misses += result return misses
[docs]def check_all_hulls_loop(object_dataset_paths, nb_processes=1, use_qsub=False, queue="full"): misses = {} for object_dataset_path in object_dataset_paths: misses[object_dataset_path] = check_all_hulls(object_dataset_path, nb_processes=nb_processes, use_qsub=use_qsub, queue=queue) print "%s: %d" % (object_dataset_path, len(misses[object_dataset_path])) print misses[object_dataset_path] print print "---------------------------------------------------------" print return misses
[docs]def save_dataset(object_dataset, path="auto"): if path == "auto": path = object_dataset.path object_dataset._temp_sizes = [] object_dataset._temp_rep_coords = [] object_dataset._temp_ids = [] object_dataset._temp_rep_coord_kdtree = None # with closing("/shelve_object_dictionary", flag="n", protocol=2)) as sdict: # for key in object_dataset.object_dict.keys(): # sdict[str(key)] = object_dataset.object_dict[key] # with open(path+"object_dictionary.pkl", "w") as file: # pickle.dump(object_dataset.object_dict, file, protocol=2) # # object_dataset.object_dict = {} with open(path+"/object_dataset.pkl", 'wb') \ as output: pickle.dump(object_dataset, output, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
[docs]def load_dataset(path, use_shelve=False): with open(path+"/object_dataset.pkl", 'rb') as input: this_input = pickle.load(input) # if use_shelve: # this_input.object_dict = {} # this_input.object_dict ="/shelve_object_dictionary", flag='r', protocol=2) if os.path.normpath(this_input.path).strip("/") != os.path.normpath(path).strip("/"): print "Updating paths..." this_input._path_to_chunk_dataset_head ="" if path[-1] == "/": for part in path.split("/")[:-2]: this_input._path_to_chunk_dataset_head += "/" + part else: for part in path.split("/")[:-1]: this_input._path_to_chunk_dataset_head += "/" + part for key in this_input.object_dict.keys(): this_input.object_dict[key]._path_dataset = path for nb_voxel_path in \ range(len(this_input.object_dict[key].path_to_voxel)): this_path = this_input.object_dict[key]._path_to_voxel[nb_voxel_path] voxel_path = path for part in this_path.split("/")[-2:]: voxel_path += "/" + part try: this_path = this_input.object_dict[key]._path_to_hull_voxel except: this_path = None if this_path is not None: hull_voxel_path = path for part in this_path.split("/")[-2:]: hull_voxel_path += "/" + part this_input.object_dict[key]._path_to_voxel[nb_voxel_path] = voxel_path print "... finished." this_input._temp_sizes = [] this_input._temp_rep_coords = [] return this_input
[docs]def update_dataset(object_dataset, update_objects=False, recalculate_rep_coords=False, overwrite=False): if recalculate_rep_coords: update_objects = True up_object_dataset = UltrastructuralDataset(object_dataset._type, object_dataset._rel_path_home, object_dataset._path_to_chunk_dataset_head) if update_objects: for key in object_dataset.object_dict.keys(): obj = object_dataset.object_dict[key] up_object_dataset.object_dict[key] = SegmentationObject(key, obj._path_dataset, obj._path_to_voxel) if recalculate_rep_coords: up_object_dataset.object_dict[key].calculate_rep_coord() else: up_object_dataset.object_dict[key]._rep_coord = obj.rep_coord up_object_dataset.object_dict[key]._size = obj.size up_object_dataset.object_dict[key]._obj_id = obj.obj_id try: up_object_dataset.object_dict[key]._path_to_hull_voxel = \ obj._path_to_hull_voxel except: up_object_dataset.object_dict[key]._path_to_hull_voxel = \ None else: up_object_dataset.object_dict = object_dataset.object_dict if overwrite: save_dataset(up_object_dataset) return up_object_dataset
[docs]def updating_segmentationDatasets_thread(args): path = args[0] update_objects = args[1] recalculate_rep_coords = args[2] sset = load_dataset(path) sset = update_dataset(sset, update_objects=update_objects, recalculate_rep_coords=recalculate_rep_coords, overwrite=True)
[docs]def update_multiple_datasets(paths, update_objects=False, recalculate_rep_coords=False, nb_processes=1, use_qsub=True, queue="full"): multi_params = [] for path in paths: multi_params.append([path, update_objects, recalculate_rep_coords]) if use_qsub and qsub_available: path_to_out = qm.QSUB_script(multi_params, "updating_segmentationDatasets", queue=queue) else: if nb_processes > 1: pool = Pool(nb_processes), multi_params) pool.close() pool.join() else: map(updating_segmentationDatasets_thread, multi_params)
[docs]class UltrastructuralDataset(object): def __init__(self, obj_type, rel_path_home, path_to_chunk_dataset_head): self._type = obj_type self._rel_path_home = rel_path_home self._path_to_chunk_dataset_head = path_to_chunk_dataset_head self.object_dict = {} self._temp_sizes = [] self._temp_rep_coords = [] self._temp_ids = [] self._temp_rep_coord_kdtree = None self._node_ids = None # enables efficient pickling def __getstate__(self): paths_to_voxel = [] paths_to_hull_voxel = [] sizes = [] obj_ids = [] rep_coords = [] bounding_boxes = [] most_distant_voxels = [] for key, obj in self.object_dict.iteritems(): paths_to_voxel.append(obj._path_to_voxel) try: paths_to_hull_voxel.append(obj._path_to_hull_voxel) except: paths_to_hull_voxel.append(None) sizes.append(obj.size) obj_ids.append(obj.obj_id) rep_coords.append(obj.rep_coord) bounding_boxes.append(obj._bounding_box) try: most_distant_voxels.append(obj._most_distant_voxel) except: most_distant_voxels.append(None) try: scaling = obj._scaling except: scaling = np.array([10., 10., 20.]) return (paths_to_voxel, paths_to_hull_voxel, sizes, obj_ids, rep_coords, bounding_boxes, most_distant_voxels, scaling, self._type, self._rel_path_home, self._path_to_chunk_dataset_head) # enables efficient pickling def __setstate__(self, state): paths_to_voxel, paths_to_hull_voxel, sizes, obj_ids, rep_coords, bounding_boxes, most_distant_voxels, \ scaling, self._type, self._rel_path_home, self._path_to_chunk_dataset_head = state self.object_dict = {} self._temp_sizes = [] self._temp_rep_coords = [] self._temp_ids = [] self._temp_rep_coord_kdtree = None self._node_ids = None for ii in range(len(paths_to_hull_voxel)): obj = SegmentationObject(obj_ids[ii], self._path_to_chunk_dataset_head+self._rel_path_home, paths_to_voxel[ii]) obj._path_to_hull_voxel = paths_to_hull_voxel[ii] obj._size = sizes[ii] obj._rep_coord = rep_coords[ii] obj._bounding_box = bounding_boxes[ii] obj._most_distant_voxel = most_distant_voxels[ii] obj._scaling = scaling self.object_dict[obj_ids[ii]] = obj @property def type(self): return self._type @property def path(self): return self._path_to_chunk_dataset_head + self._rel_path_home @property def chunk_dataset(self): return chunky.load_dataset(self._path_to_chunk_dataset_head) @property def knossos_dataset(self): return self.chunk_dataset.dataset @property def sizes(self, as_list=True): if self._temp_sizes == []: self.init_properties() return self._temp_sizes @property def rep_coords(self, as_list=True): if self._temp_rep_coords == []: self.init_properties() return self._temp_rep_coords @property def ids(self): if self._temp_ids == []: self.init_properties() return self._temp_ids
[docs] def init_properties(self): self._temp_ids = [] self._temp_sizes = [] self._temp_rep_coords = [] for key in self.object_dict.keys(): self._temp_ids.append(key) self._temp_rep_coords.append(self.object_dict[key].rep_coord) self._temp_sizes.append(self.object_dict[key].size) return
[docs] def find_object_with_coordinate(self, coordinate, initial_radius_nm=1000, hull_search_radius_nm=500, hull_reduction_by=20, scaling=None, return_if_contained=True): if hull_reduction_by < 1: hull_reduction_by = 1 hull_reduction_by = int(hull_reduction_by) if scaling is None: scaling =np.array([9., 9., 21.]) else: scaling = np.array(scaling) coordinate = np.array(coordinate) if self._temp_rep_coord_kdtree is None: self._temp_rep_coord_kdtree = spatial.cKDTree(np.array(self.rep_coords)*scaling) candidate_indices = \ self._temp_rep_coord_kdtree.query_ball_point(coordinate*scaling, initial_radius_nm) objs_ids = [] obj_dist_list = [] for index in candidate_indices: obj = self.object_dict[self.ids[index]] objs_ids.append(obj.obj_id) if obj.check_if_coordinate_is_contained(coordinate): if return_if_contained: return [obj, 0] else: obj_dist_list.append([obj, 0]) if hull_search_radius_nm > 0 and len(candidate_indices) > 0: hull_coordinates = [] length_list = [] for index in candidate_indices: obj = self.object_dict[self.ids[index]] obj_hull_vx = obj.hull_voxels[::hull_reduction_by] hull_coordinates += obj_hull_vx.tolist() length_list.append(len(obj_hull_vx.tolist())) hull_coordinates = np.array(hull_coordinates) hull_tree = spatial.cKDTree(hull_coordinates*scaling) closest_hull_indices = hull_tree.query_ball_point(coordinate*scaling, hull_search_radius_nm) distances = np.ones(len(hull_coordinates))*np.inf distances[closest_hull_indices] = \ spatial.distance.cdist([coordinate*scaling], hull_coordinates[closest_hull_indices]*scaling) distance_list = [] for ii, index in enumerate(candidate_indices): cur_pos = int(np.sum(length_list[:(ii)])) this_distances = distances[cur_pos: (cur_pos+length_list[ii])] closest = np.min(this_distances) distance_list.append([self.ids[index], closest]) distance_list = np.array(distance_list) distance_list = distance_list[distance_list[:, 1].argsort()].tolist() for entry in distance_list: obj_dist_list.append([self.object_dict[entry[0]], entry[1]]) return obj_dist_list else: return None
[docs]class SegmentationObject(object): def __init__(self, obj_id, path_dataset, path_to_voxels): self._path_to_voxel = path_to_voxels self._path_to_hull_voxel = None self._size = None self._obj_id = obj_id self._rep_coord = None self._bounding_box = None self._path_dataset = path_dataset self._most_distant_voxel = None @property def path_dataset(self): return self._path_dataset @property def bounding_box(self): if self._bounding_box is None: min = np.min(self.voxels, axis=0) max = np.max(self.voxels, axis=0) self._bounding_box = [min, max] return self._bounding_box @property def voxels(self): this_voxels = [] for path in self.path_to_voxel: new_voxels = np.load(path)[str(self.obj_id)] if len(this_voxels) == 0: this_voxels = np.copy(new_voxels) else: this_voxels = np.concatenate((this_voxels, new_voxels)) return this_voxels @property def hull_voxels(self): if self.path_to_hull_voxels is not None: try: return np.load(self.path_to_hull_voxels)[str(self.obj_id)] except: # print "Hull Voxels need to be calculated" return self.create_hull_voxels() else: # print "Hull Voxels need to be calculated" return self.create_hull_voxels() @property def size(self): if self._size is None: self.calculate_size() return self._size @property def obj_id(self): return self._obj_id @property def rep_coord(self): return self._rep_coord @property def path_to_hull_voxels(self): return self._path_to_hull_voxel @property def path_to_voxel(self): if isinstance(self._path_to_voxel, basestring): self._path_to_voxel = [self._path_to_voxel] return self._path_to_voxel @property def scaling(self): raise NotImplementedError() @property def most_distant_voxel(self): if self._most_distant_voxel is None: voxel_distances = spatial.distance.cdist([self.rep_coord*self.scaling], self.voxels*self.scaling) voxel_distances = np.array(voxel_distances) self._most_distant_voxel = self.voxels[np.argmax(voxel_distances == np.max(voxel_distances))] return self._most_distant_voxel
[docs] def closest_point(self, coordinate, scaling=None): if scaling is None: scaling = np.array([10., 10., 10.]) else: scaling = np.array(scaling) if self.path_to_hull_voxels is None: vx = np.array(self.hull_voxels)*scaling else: vx = np.array(self.voxels)*scaling distances = spatial.distance.cdist([np.array(coordinate)*scaling], vx) return vx[distances == np.min(distances)][0]
[docs] def check_if_coordinate_is_contained(self, coordinate): a = self.voxels b = np.array(coordinate) return (a == b).all(np.arange(a.ndim - b.ndim, a.ndim)).any()
[docs] def add_path(self, other_obj): for path in other_obj._path_to_voxel: self._path_to_voxel.append(path) self._size = None
[docs] def write_to_overlaycube(self, kd, mags=None, size_filter=0, entry=None): self.write_to_cube(kd, mags, size_filter, entry)
[docs] def write_to_cube(self, kd, mags=None, size_filter=0, entry=None, as_raw=False, overwrite=True): if mags is None: mags = kd.mag this_bb = np.copy(self.bounding_box) this_bb[1] += 1 if not overwrite: for dim in range(3): if this_bb[0][dim] % 128 != 0: this_bb[0][dim] -= this_bb[0][dim] % 128 if this_bb[1][dim] % 128 != 0: this_bb[1][dim] -= this_bb[0][dim] % 128 + 128 bb_size = this_bb[1]-this_bb[0] if as_raw: datatype = np.uint8 else: datatype = np.uint32 if self.size > size_filter: voxels = np.array(np.array(self.voxels) - this_bb[0], dtype=np.uint32) if np.ndim(voxels) != 2: print "No voxels found in %s. Shape: %s" % (self.type, str(voxels.shape)) return else: if overwrite: matrix = np.zeros((np.max(voxels[:, 0])+1, np.max(voxels[:, 1])+1, np.max(voxels[:, 2])+1), dtype=datatype) else: if as_raw: matrix = kd.from_raw_cubes_to_matrix(bb_size, this_bb[0]) else: matrix = kd.from_overlay_cubes_to_matrix(bb_size, this_bb[0]) if entry is None: matrix[voxels[:, 0], voxels[:, 1], voxels[:, 2]] = self.obj_id else: matrix[voxels[:, 0], voxels[:, 1], voxels[:, 2]] = entry kd.from_matrix_to_cubes(this_bb[0], data=[matrix], nb_threads=1, mags=mags, overwrite=not overwrite)
[docs] def create_hull_voxels(self): voxels = np.copy(self.voxels) if len(voxels.shape) > 1: voxels_array = np.array(voxels, x_min = np.min(voxels_array[:, 0]) - 2 x_max = np.max(voxels_array[:, 0]) + 2 y_min = np.min(voxels_array[:, 1]) - 2 y_max = np.max(voxels_array[:, 1]) + 2 z_min = np.min(voxels_array[:, 2]) - 2 z_max = np.max(voxels_array[:, 2]) + 2 matrix = np.zeros((x_max-x_min, y_max-y_min, z_max-z_min), dtype=np.uint8) lower_boarder = np.array([basics.negative_to_zero(x_min), basics.negative_to_zero(y_min), basics.negative_to_zero(z_min)], voxels = np.array(voxels, - lower_boarder matrix[voxels[:, 0], voxels[:, 1], voxels[:, 2]] = 1 k = np.array([[[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]], [[0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0]], [[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]]]) coords = np.argwhere((ndimage.convolve(matrix, k, mode="constant", cval=0.) < 7)*matrix == 1) + lower_boarder else: coords = voxels return coords
[docs] def create_hull_ids(self): voxels = np.copy(self.voxels) if len(voxels.shape) > 1: voxels_array = np.array(voxels, # print voxels_array.shape x_min = np.min(voxels_array[:, 0]) - 2 x_max = np.max(voxels_array[:, 0]) + 2 y_min = np.min(voxels_array[:, 1]) - 2 y_max = np.max(voxels_array[:, 1]) + 2 z_min = np.min(voxels_array[:, 2]) - 2 z_max = np.max(voxels_array[:, 2]) + 2 matrix = np.zeros((x_max-x_min, y_max-y_min, z_max-z_min), dtype=np.uint8) lower_boarder = np.array([basics.negative_to_zero(x_min), basics.negative_to_zero(y_min), basics.negative_to_zero(z_min)], voxels = np.array(voxels, - lower_boarder matrix[voxels[:, 0], voxels[:, 1], voxels[:, 2]] = 1 hull_voxel_ids = [] for nb_voxel in range(len(voxels)): voxel = np.array(voxels[nb_voxel], if matrix[voxel[0]-1, voxel[1], voxel[2]] != 1: hull_voxel_ids.append(nb_voxel) elif matrix[voxel[0]+1, voxel[1], voxel[2]] != 1: hull_voxel_ids.append(nb_voxel) elif matrix[voxel[0], voxel[1]-1, voxel[2]] != 1: hull_voxel_ids.append(nb_voxel) elif matrix[voxel[0], voxel[1]+1, voxel[2]] != 1: hull_voxel_ids.append(nb_voxel) elif matrix[voxel[0], voxel[1], voxel[2]-1] != 1: hull_voxel_ids.append(nb_voxel) elif matrix[voxel[0], voxel[1], voxel[2]+1] != 1: hull_voxel_ids.append(nb_voxel) else: hull_voxel_ids = [0] return hull_voxel_ids
[docs] def add_voxel(self, coordinate): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def remove_voxel_file(self): raise NotImplementedError()
# for path in self.path_to_voxel: # os.remove(path)
[docs] def calculate_rep_coord(self, calculate_size=False, voxels=None, sample_size=200): if voxels is None: voxels = self.voxels if len(voxels) > 1: # self._rep_coord = np.array([np.mean(voxels[:, 0]), # np.mean(voxels[:, 1]), # np.mean(voxels[:, 2])], # np.random.shuffle(voxels) dist = spatial.distance.cdist(voxels[:sample_size], voxels[:sample_size]) sum = np.sum(dist, 1) pos = np.where(sum == np.min(sum))[0][0] self._rep_coord = np.array(voxels[:sample_size][pos]) # if not self.check_if_coordinate_is_contained(self._rep_coord): # if fast_correction: # self._rep_coord = np.array(voxels[int(len(voxels)/2)], # else: # step = len(voxels)/300 # if step == 0: # step = 1 # dist = spatial.distance.cdist(voxels[::step], voxels[::step]) # sum = np.sum(dist, 1) # pos = np.where(sum == np.min(sum))[0] # self._rep_coord = np.array(voxels[::step][pos]) else: self._rep_coord = voxels[0] if calculate_size: self.calculate_size(voxels=voxels)
[docs] def calculate_size(self, voxels=None): if voxels is None: voxels = self.voxels if len(voxels.shape) > 1: self._size = len(voxels) else: self._size = 1