# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SyConn - Synaptic connectivity inference toolkit
# Copyright (c) 2016 - now
# Max-Planck-Institute for Medical Research, Heidelberg, Germany
# Authors: Sven Dorkenwald, Philipp Schubert, Jörgen Kornfeld
import numpy as np
import os
import re
import time
from multiprocessing import Pool, Manager, cpu_count
from numpy import array as arr
from sys import stdout
from knossos_utils.knossosdataset import KnossosDataset as kd
import knossos_utils.skeleton_utils as su
from learning_rfc import save_train_clf
from ..utils.datahandler import get_filepaths_from_dir
[docs]def save_synapse_clf(gt_path, clf_used='rf'):
Save synapse clf specified by clf_used to gt_directory.
:param gt_path: str to directory of synapse ground truth
:param clf_used: 'rf' or 'svm'
all_gt_samples = [path for path in get_filepaths_from_dir(gt_path, ending='nml')]
gt_sj_samples = [path for path in all_gt_samples if not 'vc_sj.nml' in path]
gt_sj_vc_samples = [path for path in all_gt_samples if 'vc_sj.nml' in path]
X_sj, Y_sj = calc_syn_feature(gt_sj_samples)
X_vc_sj, Y_vc_sj = calc_syn_feature(gt_sj_vc_samples)
X_total = np.concatenate((X_sj, X_vc_sj), axis=0)
y_total = np.concatenate((Y_sj, Y_vc_sj), axis=0)
save_train_clf(X_total, y_total, clf_used, gt_path)
[docs]def helper_load_sj_feat(args):
:param args:
center_coords = None
path, cs_path, q = args
anno = su.loadj0126NML(path)[0]
anno_nodes = list(anno.getNodes())
for node in anno_nodes:
if 'center' in node.getComment():
center_coords = arr(node.getCoordinate_scaled(), dtype=np.int)
return center_coords, path
[docs]def calc_syn_feature(gt_samples, ignore_keys=['Barrier', 'Skel'],
new_data=False, test_data=False, detailed_cs_dir='/lustre/'
collect synpase feature of all contact sites. Additionally, ground truth
values if test_data is True.
:param gt_samples: List of paths to contact sites
:param ignore_keys: Which keys to ignore in string if collecting GT value
:param new_data: outdated
:param test_data: whether to collect GT value
:param detailed_cs_dir: path to folder containing the contact sites
for ending in ['', 'cs', 'cs_vc', 'cs_sj', 'cs_vc_sj', 'pairwise',
if not os.path.exists(detailed_cs_dir+ending):
nb_cpus = cpu_count()
pool = Pool(processes=nb_cpus)
m = Manager()
q = m.Queue()
params = [(sample, ignore_keys, detailed_cs_dir,
q, new_data, test_data) for sample in gt_samples]
result = pool.map_async(pairwise_syn_feature_calc, params)
while True:
if result.ready():
size = float(q.qsize())
stdout.write("\r%0.2f" % (size / len(params)))
res = result.get()
# print "\n", len(res), len(filter(None, res))
res = np.array(filter(None, res))
non_instances = arr([isinstance(el, np.ndarray) for el in res[:,0]])
# print len(res[non_instances])
X = np.array(res[:, 0][non_instances].tolist(), dtype=np.float)
Y = np.array(res[:, 1][non_instances], dtype=np.int)
return X, Y
[docs]def pairwise_syn_feature_calc(args):
Helper function for calc_syn_feature. Collects feature of contact site.
:param args: path to contact sites, list of ingore keys, path to
contact_sites folder, q of multiprocess manager, bool new data(old),
bool test_data (whether to collect gt_value)
:return: synapse feature, ground truth value
syn_candidate, ignore_keys, detailed_cs_dir, q,\
new_data, test_data = args
node = None
if isinstance(syn_candidate, str):
syn_candidate = su.loadj0126NML(syn_candidate)[0]
if not test_data:
gt_value = None
gt_value = np.zeros((0,))
for node in syn_candidate.getNodes():
node_comment = node.getComment()
if 'center' in node_comment:
if np.sum([key in node_comment for key in ignore_keys]):
if (not 'False' in node_comment) and (not 'True' in node_comment):
if not test_data:
gt_value = 'True' in node_comment
feat = parse_synfeature_from_node(node)
return feat, np.array(gt_value)
[docs]def parse_synfeature_from_txt(txt):
Parases values of features from string.
:param txt: String with values of feature_names, like 'area1.5_dist2.3'
:return: array of float values for each feature
feature_names = ['dist', 'area', 'areaol', 'relol', 'absol', 'csrelol']
feat_arr = np.zeros((len(feature_names, )))
for k, name in enumerate(feature_names):
matches = re.findall('%s(\d+.\d+)' % name, txt)
if len(matches) == 0:
feat_arr[k] = float(matches)
return feat_arr
[docs]def parse_synfeature_from_node(node):
Parases values of features from string.
:param node: node with values of feature_names
:return: array of float values for each feature
feature_names = ['cs_dist', 'mean_cs_area', 'overlap_area', 'overlap',
'abs_ol', 'overlap_cs']
feat_arr = np.zeros((len(feature_names, )))
for k, feat_name in enumerate(feature_names):
feat = float(node.data[feat_name])
feat_arr[k] = feat
return feat_arr
[docs]def syn_sign_prediction(voxels, kd_path_sym, kd_path_asym, threshold=.25):
kd_asym = kd()
kd_sym = kd()
sym_values = kd_sym.from_raw_cubes_to_list(voxels)
asym_values = kd_asym.from_raw_cubes_to_list(voxels)
ratio = float(np.sum(sym_values))/(np.sum(sym_values)+np.sum(asym_values))
if threshold is None:
return ratio
return int(ratio > threshold)