# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SyConn - Synaptic connectivity inference toolkit
# Copyright (c) 2016 - now
# Max-Planck-Institute for Medical Research, Heidelberg, Germany
# Authors: Sven Dorkenwald, Philipp Schubert, Jörgen Kornfeld
import numpy as np
import os
import time
import cPickle as pickle
import networkx as nx
import glob
from ..processing import objectextraction_helper as oeh
from ..multi_proc import multi_proc_main as mpm
from ..utils import datahandler, segmentationdataset
[docs]def calculate_chunk_numbers_for_box(cset, offset, size):
Calculates the chunk ids that are (partly) contained it the defined volume
cset : ChunkDataset
offset : np.array
offset of the volume to the origin
size: np.array
size of the volume
chunk_list: list
chunk ids
dictionary: dict
with reverse mapping
for dim in range(3):
offset_overlap = offset[dim] % cset.chunk_size[dim]
offset[dim] -= offset_overlap
size[dim] += offset_overlap
size[dim] += (cset.chunk_size[dim] - size[dim]) % cset.chunk_size[dim]
chunk_list = []
translator = {}
for x in range(offset[0], offset[0]+size[0], cset.chunk_size[0]):
for y in range(offset[1], offset[1]+size[1], cset.chunk_size[1]):
for z in range(offset[2], offset[2]+size[2], cset.chunk_size[2]):
chunk_list.append(cset.coord_dict[tuple([x, y, z])])
translator[chunk_list[-1]] = len(chunk_list)-1
print "Chunk List contains %d elements." % len(chunk_list)
return chunk_list, translator
[docs]def gauss_threshold_connected_components(cset, filename, hdf5names,
overlap="auto", sigmas=None,
Extracts connected component from probability maps
1. Gaussian filter (defined by sigma)
2. Thresholding (defined by threshold)
3. Connected components analysis
In case of vesicle clouds (hdf5_name in ["p4", "vc"]) the membrane
segmentation is used to cut connected vesicle clouds across cells
apart (only if membrane segmentation is provided).
cset : chunkdataset instance
filename : str
Filename of the prediction in the chunkdataset
hdf5names: list of str
List of names/ labels to be extracted and processed from the prediction
overlap: str or np.array
Defines the overlap with neighbouring chunks that is left for later
processing steps; if 'auto' the overlap is calculated from the sigma and
the stitch_overlap (here: [1., 1., 1.])
sigmas: list of lists or None
Defines the sigmas of the gaussian filters applied to the probability
maps. Has to be the same length as hdf5names. If None no gaussian filter
is applied
thresholds: list of float
Threshold for cutting the probability map. Has to be the same length as
hdf5names. If None zeros are used instead (not recommended!)
chunk_list: list of int
Selective list of chunks for which this function should work on. If None
all chunks are used.
debug: boolean
If true multiprocessed steps only operate on one core using 'map' which
allows for better error messages
swapdata: boolean
If true an x-z swap is applied to the data prior to processing
label_density: np.array
Defines the density of the data. If the data was downsampled prior to
saving; it has to be interpolated first before processing due to
alignment issues with the coordinate system. Two-times downsampled
data would have a label_density of [2, 2, 2]
membrane_filename: str
One way to allow access to a membrane segmentation when processing
vesicle clouds. Filename of the prediction in the chunkdataset. The
threshold is currently set at 0.4.
membrane_kd_path: str
One way to allow access to a membrane segmentation when processing
vesicle clouds. Path to the knossosdataset containing a membrane
segmentation. The threshold is currently set at 0.4.
hdf5_name_membrane: str
When using the membrane_filename this key has to be given to access the
data in the saved chunk
fast_load: boolean
If true the data of chunk is blindly loaded without checking for enough
offset to compute the overlap area. Faster, because no neighbouring
chunk has to be accessed since the default case loads th overlap area
from them.
suffix: str
Suffix for the intermediate results
qsub_pe: str or None
qsub parallel environment
qsub_queue: str or None
qsub queue
results_as_list: list
list containing information about the number of connected components
in each chunk
overlap: np.array
stitch overlap: np.array
label_density = np.array(label_density)
if thresholds is None:
thresholds = np.zeros(len(hdf5names))
if sigmas is None:
sigmas = np.zeros(len(hdf5names))
if not len(sigmas) == len(thresholds) == len(hdf5names):
raise Exception("Number of thresholds, sigmas and HDF5 names does not "
stitch_overlap = np.array([1, 1, 1])
if overlap == "auto":
# Truncation of gaussian kernel is 4 per standard deviation
# (per default). One overlap for matching of connected components
if sigmas is None:
max_sigma = np.zeros(3)
max_sigma = np.array([np.max(sigmas)] * 3)
overlap = np.ceil(max_sigma * 4) + stitch_overlap
print "overlap:", overlap
print "thresholds:", thresholds
multi_params = []
for nb_chunk in chunk_list:
[cset.chunk_dict[nb_chunk], cset.path_head_folder, filename,
hdf5names, overlap,
sigmas, thresholds, swapdata,
label_density, membrane_filename, membrane_kd_path,
hdf5_name_membrane, fast_load, suffix])
if qsub_pe is None and qsub_queue is None:
results = mpm.start_multiprocess(oeh.gauss_threshold_connected_components_thread,
multi_params, debug=debug)
results_as_list = []
for result in results:
for entry in result:
elif mpm.__QSUB__:
path_to_out = mpm.QSUB_script(multi_params,
pe=qsub_pe, queue=qsub_queue)
out_files = glob.glob(path_to_out + "/*")
results_as_list = []
for out_file in out_files:
with open(out_file) as f:
for entry in pickle.load(f):
raise Exception("QSUB not available")
return results_as_list, [overlap, stitch_overlap]
[docs]def make_unique_labels(cset, filename, hdf5names, chunk_list, max_nb_dict,
chunk_translator, debug, suffix="",
qsub_pe=None, qsub_queue=None):
Makes labels unique across chunks
cset : chunkdataset instance
filename : str
Filename of the prediction in the chunkdataset
hdf5names: list of str
List of names/ labels to be extracted and processed from the prediction
chunk_list: list of int
Selective list of chunks for which this function should work on. If None
all chunks are used.
max_nb_dict: dictionary
Maps each chunk id to a integer describing which needs to be added to
all its entries
chunk_translator: boolean
Remapping from chunk ids to position in chunk_list
debug: boolean
If true multiprocessed steps only operate on one core using 'map' which
allows for better error messages
suffix: str
Suffix for the intermediate results
qsub_pe: str or None
qsub parallel environment
qsub_queue: str or None
qsub queue
multi_params = []
for nb_chunk in chunk_list:
this_max_nb_dict = {}
for hdf5_name in hdf5names:
this_max_nb_dict[hdf5_name] = max_nb_dict[hdf5_name][
multi_params.append([cset.chunk_dict[nb_chunk], filename, hdf5names,
this_max_nb_dict, suffix])
if qsub_pe is None and qsub_queue is None:
results = mpm.start_multiprocess(oeh.make_unique_labels_thread,
multi_params, debug=debug)
elif mpm.__QSUB__:
path_to_out = mpm.QSUB_script(multi_params,
pe=qsub_pe, queue=qsub_queue)
raise Exception("QSUB not available")
[docs]def make_stitch_list(cset, filename, hdf5names, chunk_list, stitch_overlap,
overlap, debug, suffix="", qsub_pe=None, qsub_queue=None):
Creates a stitch list for the overlap region between chunks
cset : chunkdataset instance
filename : str
Filename of the prediction in the chunkdataset
hdf5names: list of str
List of names/ labels to be extracted and processed from the prediction
chunk_list: list of int
Selective list of chunks for which this function should work on. If None
all chunks are used.
overlap: np.array
Defines the overlap with neighbouring chunks that is left for later
processing steps
stitch_overlap: np.array
Defines the overlap with neighbouring chunks that is left for stitching
debug: boolean
If true multiprocessed steps only operate on one core using 'map' which
allows for better error messages
suffix: str
Suffix for the intermediate results
qsub_pe: str or None
qsub parallel environment
qsub_queue: str or None
qsub queue
stitch_list: list
list of overlapping component ids
multi_params = []
for nb_chunk in chunk_list:
multi_params.append([cset, nb_chunk, filename, hdf5names,
stitch_overlap, overlap, suffix, chunk_list])
if qsub_pe is None and qsub_queue is None:
results = mpm.start_multiprocess(oeh.make_stitch_list_thread,
multi_params, debug=debug)
stitch_list = {}
for hdf5_name in hdf5names:
stitch_list[hdf5_name] = []
for result in results:
for hdf5_name in hdf5names:
elems = result[hdf5_name]
for elem in elems:
elif mpm.__QSUB__:
path_to_out = mpm.QSUB_script(multi_params,
pe=qsub_pe, queue=qsub_queue)
out_files = glob.glob(path_to_out + "/*")
stitch_list = {}
for hdf5_name in hdf5names:
stitch_list[hdf5_name] = []
for out_file in out_files:
with open(out_file) as f:
result = pickle.load(f)
for hdf5_name in hdf5names:
elems = result[hdf5_name]
for elem in elems:
raise Exception("QSUB not available")
return stitch_list
[docs]def make_merge_list(hdf5names, stitch_list, max_labels):
Creates a merge list from a stitch list by mapping all connected ids to
one id
hdf5names: list of str
List of names/ labels to be extracted and processed from the prediction
stitch_list: dictionary
Contains pairs of overlapping component ids for each hdf5name
max_labels dictionary
Contains the number of different component ids for each hdf5name
merge_dict: dictionary
mergelist for each hdf5name
merge_list_dict: dictionary
mergedict for each hdf5name
merge_dict = {}
merge_list_dict = {}
for hdf5_name in hdf5names:
this_stitch_list = stitch_list[hdf5_name]
max_label = max_labels[hdf5_name]
graph = nx.from_edgelist(this_stitch_list)
cc = nx.connected_components(graph)
merge_dict[hdf5_name] = {}
merge_list_dict[hdf5_name] = np.arange(max_label + 1)
for this_cc in cc:
this_cc = list(this_cc)
for id in this_cc:
merge_dict[hdf5_name][id] = this_cc[0]
merge_list_dict[hdf5_name][id] = this_cc[0]
return merge_dict, merge_list_dict
[docs]def apply_merge_list(cset, chunk_list, filename, hdf5names, merge_list_dict,
debug, suffix="", qsub_pe=None, qsub_queue=None):
Applies merge list to all chunks
cset : chunkdataset instance
chunk_list: list of int
Selective list of chunks for which this function should work on. If None
all chunks are used.
filename : str
Filename of the prediction in the chunkdataset
hdf5names: list of str
List of names/ labels to be extracted and processed from the prediction
merge_list_dict: dictionary
mergedict for each hdf5name
debug: boolean
If true multiprocessed steps only operate on one core using 'map' which
allows for better error messages
suffix: str
Suffix for the intermediate results
qsub_pe: str or None
qsub parallel environment
qsub_queue: str or None
qsub queue
multi_params = []
merge_list_dict_path = cset.path_head_folder + "merge_list_dict.pkl"
f = open(merge_list_dict_path, "w")
pickle.dump(merge_list_dict, f)
for nb_chunk in chunk_list:
multi_params.append([cset.chunk_dict[nb_chunk], filename, hdf5names,
merge_list_dict_path, suffix])
# results = mpm.start_multiprocess(oeh.apply_merge_list_thread,
# multi_params, debug=debug)
if qsub_pe is None and qsub_queue is None:
results = mpm.start_multiprocess(oeh.apply_merge_list_thread,
multi_params, debug=debug)
elif mpm.__QSUB__:
path_to_out = mpm.QSUB_script(multi_params,
pe=qsub_pe, queue=qsub_queue)
raise Exception("QSUB not available")
[docs]def concatenate_mappings(cset, filename, hdf5names, debug=False, suffix=""):
Combines all map dicts
cset : chunkdataset instance
filename : str
Filename of the prediction in the chunkdataset
hdf5names: list of str
List of names/ labels to be extracted and processed from the prediction
debug: boolean
If true multiprocessed steps only operate on one core using 'map' which
allows for better error messages
suffix: str
Suffix for the intermediate results
multi_params = []
for hdf5_name in hdf5names:
rel_path = segmentationdataset.get_rel_path(hdf5_name, filename, suffix)
map_dict_paths = glob.glob(cset.path_head_folder + rel_path +
multi_params.append([cset.path_head_folder, rel_path, map_dict_paths])
multi_params, debug=debug)
[docs]def create_objects_from_voxels(cset, filename, hdf5names, granularity=15,
debug=False, suffix="", qsub_pe=None,
Creates object instances from extracted voxels
cset : chunkdataset instance
filename : str
Filename of the prediction in the chunkdataset
hdf5names: list of str
List of names/ labels to be extracted and processed from the prediction
granularity: int
Defines granularity for partitioning data for multiprocessing
debug: boolean
If true multiprocessed steps only operate on one core using 'map' which
allows for better error messages
suffix: str
Suffix for the intermediate results
qsub_pe: str or None
qsub parallel environment
qsub_queue: str or None
qsub queue
multi_params = []
for nb_hdf5_name in range(len(hdf5names)):
counter = 0
hdf5_name = hdf5names[nb_hdf5_name]
path_dataset = cset.path_head_folder + \
segmentationdataset.get_rel_path(hdf5_name, filename, suffix)
if not os.path.exists(path_dataset + "/object_dicts/"):
os.makedirs(path_dataset + "/object_dicts/")
map_dict_paths = glob.glob(path_dataset + "/map_dicts/map_*")
for step in range(
int(np.ceil(len(map_dict_paths) / float(granularity)))):
this_map_dict_paths = map_dict_paths[step * granularity:
(step + 1) * granularity]
save_path = path_dataset + "/object_dicts/dict_%d.pkl" % counter
multi_params.append([cset.path_head_folder, this_map_dict_paths,
filename, hdf5_name, save_path, suffix,
counter += 1
if qsub_pe is None and qsub_queue is None:
multi_params, debug=debug)
elif mpm.__QSUB__:
path_to_out = mpm.QSUB_script(multi_params,
pe=qsub_pe, queue=qsub_queue)
raise Exception("QSUB not available")
[docs]def create_datasets_from_objects(cset, filename, hdf5names, debug=False,
suffix="", qsub_pe=None, qsub_queue=None):
Create dataset instance from objects
cset : chunkdataset instance
filename : str
Filename of the prediction in the chunkdataset
hdf5names: list of str
List of names/ labels to be extracted and processed from the prediction
debug: boolean
If true multiprocessed steps only operate on one core using 'map' which
allows for better error messages
suffix: str
Suffix for the intermediate results
qsub_pe: str or None
qsub parallel environment
qsub_queue: str or None
qsub queue
multi_params = []
for hdf5_name in hdf5names:
[cset.path_head_folder, hdf5_name, filename, suffix])
if qsub_pe is None and qsub_queue is None:
multi_params, debug=debug)
elif mpm.__QSUB__:
path_to_out = mpm.QSUB_script(multi_params,
pe=qsub_pe, queue=qsub_queue)
raise Exception("QSUB not available")
[docs]def from_probabilities_to_objects(cset, filename, hdf5names,
overlap="auto", sigmas=None,
Main function for the object extraction step; combines all needed steps
cset : chunkdataset instance
filename : str
Filename of the prediction in the chunkdataset
hdf5names: list of str
List of names/ labels to be extracted and processed from the prediction
overlap: str or np.array
Defines the overlap with neighbouring chunks that is left for later
processing steps; if 'auto' the overlap is calculated from the sigma and
the stitch_overlap (here: [1., 1., 1.])
sigmas: list of lists or None
Defines the sigmas of the gaussian filters applied to the probability
maps. Has to be the same length as hdf5names. If None no gaussian filter
is applied
thresholds: list of float
Threshold for cutting the probability map. Has to be the same length as
hdf5names. If None zeros are used instead (not recommended!)
chunk_list: list of int
Selective list of chunks for which this function should work on. If None
all chunks are used.
debug: boolean
If true multiprocessed steps only operate on one core using 'map' which
allows for better error messages
swapdata: boolean
If true an x-z swap is applied to the data prior to processing
label_density: np.array
Defines the density of the data. If the data was downsampled prior to
saving; it has to be interpolated first before processing due to
alignment issues with the coordinate system. Two-times downsampled
data would have a label_density of [2, 2, 2]
offset : np.array
offset of the volume to the origin
size: np.array
size of the volume
membrane_filename: str
One way to allow access to a membrane segmentation when processing
vesicle clouds. Filename of the prediction in the chunkdataset. The
threshold is currently set at 0.4.
membrane_kd_path: str
One way to allow access to a membrane segmentation when processing
vesicle clouds. Path to the knossosdataset containing a membrane
segmentation. The threshold is currently set at 0.4.
hdf5_name_membrane: str
When using the membrane_filename this key has to be given to access the
data in the saved chunk
suffix: str
Suffix for the intermediate results
qsub_pe: str or None
qsub parallel environment
qsub_queue: str or None
qsub queue
all_times = []
step_names = []
if size is not None and offset is not None:
chunk_list, chunk_translator = \
calculate_chunk_numbers_for_box(cset, offset, size)
chunk_translator = {}
if chunk_list is None:
chunk_list = [ii for ii in range(len(cset.chunk_dict))]
for ii in range(len(cset.chunk_dict)):
chunk_translator[ii] = ii
for ii in range(len(chunk_list)):
chunk_translator[chunk_list[ii]] = ii
if thresholds is not None and thresholds[0] <= 1.:
thresholds = np.array(thresholds)
thresholds *= 255
if sigmas is not None and swapdata == 1:
for nb_sigma in range(len(sigmas)):
if len(sigmas[nb_sigma]) == 3:
sigmas[nb_sigma] = datahandler.switch_array_entries(sigmas[nb_sigma],
[0, 2])
time_start = time.time()
cc_info_list, overlap_info = gauss_threshold_connected_components(
cset, filename,
hdf5names, overlap, sigmas, thresholds,
chunk_list, debug,
swapdata, label_density=label_density,
fast_load=True, suffix=suffix,
stitch_overlap = overlap_info[1]
overlap = overlap_info[0]
all_times.append(time.time() - time_start)
step_names.append("conneceted components")
print "\nTime needed for connected components: %.3fs" % all_times[-1]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
time_start = time.time()
nb_cc_dict = {}
max_nb_dict = {}
max_labels = {}
for hdf5_name in hdf5names:
nb_cc_dict[hdf5_name] = np.zeros(len(chunk_list), dtype=np.int32)
max_nb_dict[hdf5_name] = np.zeros(len(chunk_list), dtype=np.int32)
for cc_info in cc_info_list:
nb_cc_dict[cc_info[1]][chunk_translator[cc_info[0]]] = cc_info[2]
for hdf5_name in hdf5names:
max_nb_dict[hdf5_name][0] = 0
for nb_chunk in range(1, len(chunk_list)):
max_nb_dict[hdf5_name][nb_chunk] = \
max_nb_dict[hdf5_name][nb_chunk - 1] + \
nb_cc_dict[hdf5_name][nb_chunk - 1]
max_labels[hdf5_name] = int(max_nb_dict[hdf5_name][-1] + \
all_times.append(time.time() - time_start)
step_names.append("extracting max labels")
print "\nTime needed for extracting max labels: %.6fs" % all_times[-1]
print "Max labels: ", max_labels
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
time_start = time.time()
make_unique_labels(cset, filename, hdf5names, chunk_list, max_nb_dict,
chunk_translator, debug, suffix=suffix,
qsub_pe=qsub_pe, qsub_queue=qsub_queue)
all_times.append(time.time() - time_start)
step_names.append("unique labels")
print "\nTime needed for unique labels: %.3fs" % all_times[-1]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
time_start = time.time()
stitch_list = make_stitch_list(cset, filename, hdf5names, chunk_list,
stitch_overlap, overlap, debug,
suffix=suffix, qsub_pe=qsub_pe,
all_times.append(time.time() - time_start)
step_names.append("stitch list")
print "\nTime needed for stitch list: %.3fs" % all_times[-1]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
time_start = time.time()
merge_dict, merge_list_dict = make_merge_list(hdf5names, stitch_list,
all_times.append(time.time() - time_start)
step_names.append("merge list")
print "\nTime needed for merge list: %.3fs" % all_times[-1]
# if all_times[-1] < 0.01:
# raise Exception("That was too fast!")
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
time_start = time.time()
apply_merge_list(cset, chunk_list, filename, hdf5names, merge_list_dict,
debug, suffix=suffix, qsub_pe=qsub_pe,
all_times.append(time.time() - time_start)
step_names.append("apply merge list")
print "\nTime needed for applying merge list: %.3fs" % all_times[-1]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
for hdf5_name in hdf5names:
path = cset.path_head_folder + "/" + \
segmentationdataset.get_rel_path(hdf5_name, filename, suffix)
if not os.path.exists(path + "/map_dicts/"):
os.makedirs(path + "/map_dicts/")
if not os.path.exists(path + "/voxels/"):
os.makedirs(path + "/voxels/")
if not os.path.exists(path + "/hull_voxels/"):
os.makedirs(path + "/hull_voxels/")
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
time_start = time.time()
extract_voxels(cset, filename, hdf5names, debug=debug,
chunk_list=chunk_list, suffix=suffix, qsub_pe=qsub_pe,
all_times.append(time.time() - time_start)
step_names.append("voxel extraction")
print "\nTime needed for extracting voxels: %.3fs" % all_times[-1]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
time_start = time.time()
concatenate_mappings(cset, filename, hdf5names, debug=debug, suffix=suffix)
all_times.append(time.time() - time_start)
step_names.append("concatenate mappings")
print "\nTime needed for concatenating mappings: %.3fs" % all_times[-1]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
time_start = time.time()
create_objects_from_voxels(cset, filename, hdf5names, granularity=15,
debug=debug, suffix=suffix, qsub_pe=qsub_pe,
all_times.append(time.time() - time_start)
step_names.append("create objects from voxels")
print "\nTime needed for creating objects: %.3fs" % all_times[-1]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
time_start = time.time()
create_datasets_from_objects(cset, filename, hdf5names,
debug=debug, suffix=suffix, qsub_pe=qsub_pe,
all_times.append(time.time() - time_start)
step_names.append("create datasets from objects")
print "\nTime needed for creating datasets: %.3fs" % all_times[-1]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
print "\nTime overview:"
for ii in range(len(all_times)):
print "%s: %.3fs" % (step_names[ii], all_times[ii])
print "--------------------------"
print "Total Time: %.1f min" % (np.sum(all_times) / 60)
print "--------------------------\n\n"
[docs]def from_probabilities_to_objects_parameter_sweeping(cset,
Sweeps over different thresholds. Each objectextraction resutls are saved in
a seperate folder, all intermediate steps are saved with a different suffix
cset : chunkdataset instance
filename : str
Filename of the prediction in the chunkdataset
hdf5names: list of str
List of names/ labels to be extracted and processed from the prediction
nb_thresholds: integer
number of thresholds and therefore runs of objectextractions to do;
the actual thresholds are equally spaced
overlap: str or np.array
Defines the overlap with neighbouring chunks that is left for later
processing steps; if 'auto' the overlap is calculated from the sigma and
the stitch_overlap (here: [1., 1., 1.])
sigmas: list of lists or None
Defines the sigmas of the gaussian filters applied to the probability
maps. Has to be the same length as hdf5names. If None no gaussian filter
is applied
chunk_list: list of int
Selective list of chunks for which this function should work on. If None
all chunks are used.
swapdata: boolean
If true an x-z swap is applied to the data prior to processing
label_density: np.array
Defines the density of the data. If the data was downsampled prior to
saving; it has to be interpolated first before processing due to
alignment issues with the coordinate system. Two-times downsampled
data would have a label_density of [2, 2, 2]
offset : np.array
offset of the volume to the origin
size: np.array
size of the volume
membrane_filename: str
One way to allow access to a membrane segmentation when processing
vesicle clouds. Filename of the prediction in the chunkdataset. The
threshold is currently set at 0.4.
membrane_kd_path: str
One way to allow access to a membrane segmentation when processing
vesicle clouds. Path to the knossosdataset containing a membrane
segmentation. The threshold is currently set at 0.4.
hdf5_name_membrane: str
When using the membrane_filename this key has to be given to access the
data in the saved chunk
suffix: str
Suffix for the intermediate results
qsub_pe: str
qsub parallel environment name
qsub_queue: str or None
qsub queue name
thresholds = np.array(
255. / (nb_thresholds + 1) * np.array(range(1, nb_thresholds + 1)),
all_times = []
for nb, t in enumerate(thresholds):
print "\n\n ======= t = %.2f =======" % t
time_start = time.time()
from_probabilities_to_objects(cset, filename, hdf5names,
overlap=overlap, sigmas=sigmas,
thresholds=[t] * len(hdf5names),
all_times.append(time.time() - time_start)
print "\n\nTime overview:"
for ii in range(len(all_times)):
print "t = %.2f: %.1f min" % (thresholds[ii], all_times[ii] / 60)
print "--------------------------"
print "Total Time: %.1f min" % (np.sum(all_times) / 60)
print "--------------------------\n"
[docs]def from_ids_to_objects(cset, filename, hdf5names, chunk_list=None, debug=False,
offset=None, size=None, suffix="", qsub_pe=None,
Main function for the object extraction step; combines all needed steps
cset : chunkdataset instance
filename : str
Filename of the prediction in the chunkdataset
hdf5names: list of str
List of names/ labels to be extracted and processed from the prediction
chunk_list: list of int
Selective list of chunks for which this function should work on. If None
all chunks are used.
debug: boolean
If true multiprocessed steps only operate on one core using 'map' which
allows for better error messages
offset : np.array
offset of the volume to the origin
size: np.array
size of the volume
suffix: str
Suffix for the intermediate results
qsub_pe: str or None
qsub parallel environment
qsub_queue: str or None
qsub queue
all_times = []
step_names = []
if size is not None and offset is not None:
chunk_list, chunk_translator = \
calculate_chunk_numbers_for_box(cset, offset, size)
chunk_translator = {}
if chunk_list is None:
chunk_list = [ii for ii in range(len(cset.chunk_dict))]
for ii in range(len(cset.chunk_dict)):
chunk_translator[ii] = ii
for ii in range(len(chunk_list)):
chunk_translator[chunk_list[ii]] = ii
for hdf5_name in hdf5names:
path = cset.path_head_folder + "/" + \
segmentationdataset.get_rel_path(hdf5_name, filename, suffix)
if not os.path.exists(path + "/map_dicts/"):
os.makedirs(path + "/map_dicts/")
if not os.path.exists(path + "/voxels/"):
os.makedirs(path + "/voxels/")
if not os.path.exists(path + "/hull_voxels/"):
os.makedirs(path + "/hull_voxels/")
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
time_start = time.time()
extract_voxels(cset, filename, hdf5names, debug=debug,
chunk_list=chunk_list, suffix=suffix, qsub_pe=qsub_pe,
all_times.append(time.time() - time_start)
step_names.append("voxel extraction")
print "\nTime needed for extracting voxels: %.3fs" % all_times[-1]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
time_start = time.time()
concatenate_mappings(cset, filename, hdf5names, debug=debug, suffix=suffix)
all_times.append(time.time() - time_start)
step_names.append("concatenate mappings")
print "\nTime needed for concatenating mappings: %.3fs" % all_times[-1]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
time_start = time.time()
create_objects_from_voxels(cset, filename, hdf5names, granularity=15,
debug=debug, suffix=suffix, qsub_pe=qsub_pe,
all_times.append(time.time() - time_start)
step_names.append("create objects from voxels")
print "\nTime needed for creating objects: %.3fs" % all_times[-1]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
time_start = time.time()
create_datasets_from_objects(cset, filename, hdf5names,
debug=debug, suffix=suffix, qsub_pe=qsub_pe,
all_times.append(time.time() - time_start)
step_names.append("create datasets from objects")
print "\nTime needed for creating datasets: %.3fs" % all_times[-1]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
print "\nTime overview:"
for ii in range(len(all_times)):
print "%s: %.3fs" % (step_names[ii], all_times[ii])
print "--------------------------"
print "Total Time: %.1f min" % (np.sum(all_times) / 60)
print "--------------------------\n\n"