# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SyConn - Synaptic connectivity inference toolkit
# Copyright (c) 2016 - now
# Max-Planck-Institute for Medical Research, Heidelberg, Germany
# Authors: Sven Dorkenwald, Philipp Schubert, Jörgen Kornfeld
import copy
import gc
import socket
import time
from multiprocessing import Pool, Manager
from scipy import sparse
from shutil import copyfile
from sys import stdout
import networkx as nx
from axoness import majority_vote
from axoness import predict_axoness_from_nodes
from features import calc_prop_feat_dict
from learning_rfc import write_feat2csv
from spiness import assign_neck
from ..utils.datahandler import *
from ..utils.segmentationdataset import UltrastructuralDataset
from synapticity import parse_synfeature_from_node
from ..multi_proc.multi_proc_main import start_multiprocess
from knossos_utils import chunky
from knossos_utils.knossosdataset import KnossosDataset
from sklearn.externals import joblib
from knossos_utils.skeleton import Skeleton
from knossos_utils.skeleton import SkeletonNode
from knossos_utils.skeleton import from_skeleton_to_mergelist
from syconn.ray_casting.ray_casting_radius import ray_casting_radius
ray_cast_avail = True
except ImportError:
print("ray_casting_radius-module not imported")
ray_cast_avail = False
[docs]class SkeletonMapper(object):
"""Class to handle mapping of cell objects (mitochondria, vesicle clouds,
synaptic clefts) to tracings. Mapping parameters are saved as attributes.
soma : SkeletonAnnotation
Soma tracing
old_anno : SkeletonAnnotation
original tracing where estimated cell radius is saved at each node
anno : SkeletonAnnotation
interpolated tracing skeleton for hull calculation
mitos/vc/sj : segmentationDataset
Dictionaries in which mapped cell objects are saved
ix : int
mapped skeleton id
write_obj_voxel : bool
write object voxel to kzip as binary file
def __init__(self, source, dh, ix=None, soma=None, context_range=6000):
source: SkeletonAnnotation/str
initial tracing object or path to .k.zip file
dh: DataHandler
DataHandler object
ix : int
index of tracings
soma : SkeletonAnnotation
if additional soma tracing is available
context_range : int
range for feature extraction of spiness and axoness
self.context_range = context_range
self.scaling = arr(dh.scaling, dtype=np.int)
self._mem_path = dh.mem_path
self._nb_cpus = dh.nb_cpus
self._cset_path = dh.cs_path
self._myelin_ds_path = dh.myelin_ds_path
init_anno = SkeletonAnnotation()
init_anno.scaling = [9, 9, 20]
self.soma = init_anno
self.mitos = None
self.vc = None
self.sj = None
if type(source) is str:
self.ix = re.findall('[^/]+$', source)[0][:-4]
self._path = source
self.old_anno = load_ordered_mapped_skeleton(source)[0]
self.anno, self.soma = load_ordered_mapped_skeleton(source)[0, 4]
obj_dicts = load_objpkl_from_kzip(source)
self.mitos = obj_dicts[0]
self.vc = obj_dicts[1]
self.sj = obj_dicts[2]
elif isinstance(source, SkeletonAnnotation):
self._path = None
self.ix = ix
self.old_anno = source
self.anno = copy.deepcopy(source)
if soma is not None:
self.soma = soma
raise RuntimeError('Datatype not understood in __init__'
'of SkeletonMapper.')
# init mapping parameters
self.detect_outlier = True
self.neighbor_radius = None
self.nb_neighbors = None
self.nb_rays = None
self.nb_hull_vox = None
self.nb_voting_neighbors = None
self.annotation_method = 'hull'
self.kd_radius = 1200
self.thresh = 2.2
self.filter_size = [0, 0, 0]
self.write_obj_voxel = False
self.obj_min_votes = {'mitos': 235, 'vc': 191, 'sj': 346}
self.mapping_info = {'sj': {}, 'mitos': {}, 'vc': {}}
self._cset = None
# stores hull and radius estimation of each ray and node
self._hull_coords = None
self._hull_normals = None
self._skel_radius = None
if hasattr(self.old_anno, 'hull_coords'):
self._hull_coords = self.old_anno.hull_coords
self._hull_normals = self.old_anno.hull_normals
# init skeleton nodes
self._property_features = None
self.property_feat_names = None
if len(self.soma.getNodes()) != 0:
def cset(self):
if self._cset is None:
self._cset = chunky.load_dataset(self._cset_path)
return self._cset
def hull_coords(self):
"""Scaled hull coordinates of skeleton membrane
Coordinate each hull point
if self._hull_coords is None:
nb_rays=20, nb_neighbors=20, neighbor_radius=220,
return self._hull_coords
def hull_normals(self):
"""Normal for each hull point pointing outwards
Normal vector of each hull point pointing outwards
if self._hull_normals is None:
node_coords = arr(self.node_com)
skel_tree = spatial.cKDTree(node_coords)
hull_coords = self.hull_coords
nearest_skel_nodes = arr(skel_tree.query(hull_coords, k=1)[1])
nearest_coords = node_coords[nearest_skel_nodes]
dir_vecs = hull_coords - nearest_coords
hull_normals = dir_vecs * (1 / np.linalg.norm(dir_vecs,
axis=1))[:, None]
if len(self.soma.getNodes()) != 0:
soma_nodes = self.soma.getNodes()
if len(soma_nodes) != 0:
soma_coords_pure = arr([node.getCoordinate_scaled() for node
in soma_nodes])
soma_node_ixs = arr(skel_tree.query(soma_coords_pure, k=1)[1])
com_soma = np.mean(soma_coords_pure, axis=0)
dist, nn_ixs = skel_tree.query(hull_coords, k=1)
for ii, ix in enumerate(nn_ixs):
if ix in soma_node_ixs:
hull_normals[ii] = hull_coords[ii] - com_soma
self._hull_normals = hull_normals
return self._hull_normals
def skel_radius(self):
"""Radius of membrane at each skeleton node
cell radius at self.nodes
if self._skel_radius is None:
nb_rays=20, nb_neighbors=20, neighbor_radius=220,
return self._skel_radius
def _create_nodes(self):
"""Creates sorted node list and corresponding ID- and coordinate-list.
Enables fast access to node information in same ordering.
Setter for node_com, node_ids and nodes attribute.
coords = []
ids = []
self.nodes = []
graph = su.annotation_to_nx_graph(self.anno)
for i, node in enumerate(nx.dfs_preorder_nodes(graph)):
# contains mapped objects
node.objects = {'vc': [], 'mitos': [], 'sj': []}
self.node_com = arr(coords, dtype=np.int)
self.node_ids = ids
self.anno.nodes = set(self.nodes)
[docs] def merge_soma_tracing(self):
# print "Merging soma (%d nodes) with original annotation." % \
# (len(self.soma.getNodes()))
self.anno = su.merge_annotations(self.anno, self.soma)
[docs] def annotate_objects(self, dh, radius=1200, method='hull', thresh=2.2,
filter_size=(0, 0, 0), nb_neighbors=20,
nb_hull_vox=500, neighbor_radius=220,
detect_outlier=True, nb_rays=20,
nb_voting_neighbors=100, max_dist_mult=1.4):
"""Creates self.object with annotated objects as UltrastructuralDataset,
where object is in {mitos, vc, sj}
dh : DataHandler
object containing SegmentationDataObjects mitos, vc, sj
radius : int
Radius in nm. Single integer if integer radius is for all
objects the same. If list of three integer stick to ordering
[mitos, vc, sj].
method : str
Either 'kd' for fix radius or 'hull'/'supervoxel' if
membrane is available.
thresh : float
Denotes the factor which is multiplied with the maximum
membrane probability. The resulting value is used as threshold after
which the membrane is assumed to be existant.
filter_size : int
List of integer for each object [mitos, vc, sj]
nb_neighbors : int
minimum number of neighbors needed during
outlier detection for a single hull point to survive.
nb_hull_vox : int
Number of object hull voxels which are used to
estimate spatial proximity to skeleton (inside or outside).
neighbor_radius : int
Radius (nm) of ball in which to look for supporting
hull voxels. Used during outlier detection.
detect_outlier : bool
use outlier-detection if True.
nb_rays : int
Number of rays send at each skeleton node
(multiplied by a factor of 5). Defines the angle between two rays
(=360 / nb_rays) in the orthogonal plane.
nb_voting_neighbors : int
Number votes of skeleton hull voxels (membrane
representation) for object-mapping. Used for vc and mitos during
geometrical position estimation of object nodes.
max_dist_mult : float
Multiplier for radius to estimate maximal distance of hull points
to source node.
start = time.time()
if radius == 0:
if np.isscalar(radius):
radius = [radius] * 3
self.kd_radius = radius
self.kd_radius = radius
self.filter_size = arr(filter_size)
self.annotation_method = method
self.thresh = thresh
self.detect_outlier = detect_outlier
self.neighbor_radius = neighbor_radius
self.nb_neighbors = nb_neighbors
self.nb_rays = nb_rays
self.nb_hull_vox = nb_hull_vox
self.nb_voting_neighbors = nb_voting_neighbors
if method == 'hull' and (self._hull_coords is None):
self.hull_sampling(thresh, nb_rays, nb_neighbors,
neighbor_radius, detect_outlier, max_dist_mult)
if dh.mitos is not None:
# initialize segmentationDatasets for mapped objects
self.mitos = UltrastructuralDataset(dh.mitos.type, dh.mitos._rel_path_home,
# do the mapping
node_ids = self.annotate_object(dh.mitos, radius[0], method, "mitos")
self.mitos._node_ids = node_id2key(dh.mitos, node_ids, filter_size[0])
nb_obj_found = len(set([element for sublist in self.mitos._node_ids for
element in sublist]))
# print "[%s] Found %d %s using size filter %d" % \
# (self.ix, nb_obj_found, 'mitos', filter_size[0])
# store annotated segmentation objects
for i in range(len(self.nodes)):
mito_keys = self.mitos._node_ids[i]
for k in mito_keys:
self.nodes[i].objects['mitos'] = self.nodes[i].objects['mitos']\
+ [dh.mitos.object_dict[k]]
self.mitos.object_dict[k] = dh.mitos.object_dict[k]
# print "Skipped mito-mapping."
# same for vc
if dh.vc is not None:
self.vc = UltrastructuralDataset(dh.vc.type, dh.vc._rel_path_home,
self.vc._node_ids = node_id2key(dh.vc, self.annotate_object(
dh.vc, radius[1], method, "vc"), filter_size[1])
nb_obj_found = len(set([element for sublist in self.vc._node_ids for
element in sublist]))
# print "[%s] Found %d %s using size filter %d" % \
# (self.ix, nb_obj_found, 'vc', filter_size[1])
for i in range(len(self.nodes)):
vc_keys = self.vc._node_ids[i]
for k in vc_keys:
self.nodes[i].objects['vc'] = self.nodes[i].objects['vc'] + \
self.vc.object_dict[k] = dh.vc.object_dict[k]
# print "Skipped vc-mapping."
# and sj
if dh.sj is not None:
self.sj = UltrastructuralDataset(dh.sj.type, dh.sj._rel_path_home,
self.sj._node_ids = node_id2key(dh.sj, self.annotate_object(
dh.sj, radius[2], method, "sj"), filter_size[2])
nb_obj_found = len(set([element for sublist in self.sj._node_ids for
element in sublist]))
# print "[%s] Found %d %s using size filter %d" % \
# (self.ix, nb_obj_found, 'sj', filter_size[2])
for i in range(len(self.nodes)):
sj_keys = self.sj._node_ids[i]
for k in sj_keys:
self.nodes[i].objects['sj'] = self.nodes[i].objects['sj'] + \
self.sj.object_dict[k] = dh.sj.object_dict[k]
# print "Skipped sj-mapping."
if self._myelin_ds_path is not None:
# print "--- Skeleton #%s fully annotated after %0.2f seconds with" \
# " '%s'-criterion" % (self.ix, time.time() - start,
# self.annotation_method)
[docs] def annotate_object(self, objects, radius, method, objtype):
"""Redirects mapping task to desired method-function
objects: UltrastructuralDataset
radius: int
Radius of kd-tree in units of nm.
method: str
either 'hull', 'kd' or 'supervoxel'
objtype : string
characterising object type
mapped object ID's
if method == 'hull':
node_ids = self._annotate_with_hull(objects, radius, objtype)
elif method == 'supervoxel':
node_ids = self._annotate_with_supervoxels(objects, radius, objtype)
elif method == 'gt_sampling':
node_ids = self._annotate_with_kdtree_gt_sampling(objects, radius)
node_ids = self._annotate_with_kdtree(objects, radius)
return list(node_ids)
def _annotate_with_kdtree_gt_sampling(self, data, radius):
"""Annotates objects to node if its representative coordinate (data) is
within radius and samples dependent on the distance of each object
such that the objecet distance distribution to its nearest node is
nearly uniform (assume isotrope distribution at the beginning, i.e.
~ r**2).
data : UltrastructuralDataset
Dictionary of cell objects
radius : int
Cell radius at tracing nodes (in nm)
annotated objects per node, i.e. list of lists
# print "Applying kd-tree with radius %s to %d nodes and %d objects" % \
# (radius, len(self.node_com), len(data.rep_coords))
coords = arr(data.rep_coords) * self.scaling
tree = spatial.cKDTree(coords)
# Get objects within constant radius for all nodes
assert radius > 0, "Choose positive radius!"
annotation_ids = tree.query_ball_point(self.node_com, radius)
dists = []
for k, sublist in enumerate(annotation_ids):
node_coord = self.node_com[k]
dist_sub = np.linalg.norm(node_coord-coords[sublist], axis=1)
nb_objects = len(set([element for sublist in annotation_ids for element
in sublist]))
annotation_ids = arr([element for sublist in annotation_ids for element
in sublist])
dists = arr([element for sublist in dists for element in sublist])
set_of_anno_ids = list(set(annotation_ids))
# print "Found %d objects before sampling." % nb_objects
if nb_objects <= 400:
return [[]]*(len(self.nodes)-1)+[set_of_anno_ids]
todo_list = [[list(set_of_anno_ids[i::self._nb_cpus]),
annotation_ids, dists] for i in xrange(self._nb_cpus)]
pool = Pool(processes=self._nb_cpus)
res = pool.map(helper_samllest_dist, todo_list)
final_ids = arr([ix for sub_list in res for ix in sub_list[0]])
final_dists = arr([dist for sub_list in res for dist in sub_list[1]])
max_dist = np.max(final_dists)
a = -0.95 * max_dist**2
w_func = lambda x: a*x**(-2)+1
weights = w_func(final_dists)
normalization = np.sum(weights)
weights /= normalization
cum_weights = np.cumsum(weights)
sample_ixs = []
cnt = 0
while len(sample_ixs) < 400:
cnt += 1
rand_nb = np.random.rand(1)
# find first occurance of entry with higher value than random number
sample = np.argmax(cum_weights > rand_nb)
if not sample in sample_ixs:
if cnt > 50000:
return [[]]*(len(self.nodes)-1)+[list(final_ids[sample_ixs])]
def _annotate_with_kdtree(self, data, radius):
"""Annotates objects to node if its representative coordinate (data) is
within radius.
data : UltrastructuralDataset
Dictioanry of cell objects
radius: int
radii list (in nm)
list of list of UltrastructuralDatasetObjects
List with annotated objects per node, i.e. list of lists
# print "Applying kd-tree with radius %s to %d nodes and %d objects" % \
# (radius, len(self.node_com), len(data.rep_coords))
coords = arr(data.rep_coords) * self.scaling
tree = spatial.cKDTree(coords)
annotation_ids = []
# Get objects within constant radius for all nodes
assert radius > 0, "Choose positive radius!"
for coord in self.node_com:
annotation_ids.append(tree.query_ball_point(coord, radius))
nb_objects = len(set([element for sublist in annotation_ids for element
in sublist]))
return annotation_ids
def _annotate_with_supervoxels(self, data, radius, objtype):
"""Annotates objects to skeleton if sufficient randomly selected
object hull voxels are within supervoxels of this skeleton.
data : UltrastructuralDataset
Dictioanry of cell objects
radius: int
radii list (in nm)
objtype : str
Cell object type (sj, vc, mito)
list of list of UltrastructuralDatasetObjects
List with annotated objects per node, i.e. list of lists
nb_hull_vox = self.nb_hull_vox
red_ids = self._annotate_with_kdtree(data, radius)
red_ids = list(set([ix for sublist in red_ids for ix in sublist]))
keys = arr(data.ids)[red_ids]
curr_objects = [data.object_dict[key] for key in keys]
pool = Pool(processes=self._nb_cpus)
obj_voxel_coords = pool.map(helper_get_voxels, curr_objects)
cset = self.cset
obj_ids = []
rand_voxels = []
for i, key in enumerate(keys):
curr_voxels = obj_voxel_coords[i]
curr_obj_id = curr_objects[i].obj_id
rand_ixs = np.random.randint(len(curr_voxels), size=nb_hull_vox)
rand_voxels += curr_voxels[rand_ixs].tolist()
obj_ids += [curr_obj_id] * nb_hull_vox
mergelist_path = '/home/pschuber/data/gt/nml_obj/'+str(self.ix)
mapped_obj_ids = arr(from_skeleton_to_mergelist(
cset, self.anno, 'watershed_150_20_10_3_unique', 'labels',
rand_voxels, obj_ids, nb_processes=self._nb_cpus,
annotation_ids_new = []
min_votes = self.obj_min_votes[objtype]
for i in range(len(obj_voxel_coords)):
ix = curr_objects[i].obj_id
inside_votes = np.sum(mapped_obj_ids[mapped_obj_ids[:, 0]==ix][:,1])
if inside_votes >= min_votes:
self.mapping_info[objtype][ix] = inside_votes
return [[]]*(len(self.nodes)-1) + [annotation_ids_new]
def _annotate_with_hull(self, data, radius, objtype):
Calculates a membrane representation via ray-castings. Each ray ends as
a point after reaching a certain threshold. The resulting point cloud
is used to determine in- and outlier coordinates of object hull voxels.
If sufficient voxels are inside the cloud, the corresponding object
is mapped to the skeleton.
data : UltrastructuralDataset
Dictioanry of cell objects
radius: int
radii list (in nm)
objtype : str
Cell object type (sj, vc, mito)
list of list of UltrastructuralDatasetObjects
List with annotated objects per node, i.e. list of lists
sjtrue = (objtype == 'sj')
max_sj_dist = 125.
nb_voting_neighbors = self.nb_voting_neighbors
nb_hull_vox = self.nb_hull_vox
# print "Annotating with hull criterion. Using %d voting neighbors and" \
# " %d hull voxel." % (nb_voting_neighbors, nb_hull_vox)
red_ids = self._annotate_with_kdtree(data, radius=radius)
red_ids = list(set([id for sublist in red_ids for id in sublist]))
points = self.hull_coords
if len(points) == 0:
return [[]] * len(self.nodes)
tree = spatial.cKDTree(points)
def check_hull_normals(obj_coord, hull_coords, dir_vecs):
if not sjtrue:
obj_coord = obj_coord[None, :]
left_side = np.inner(obj_coord, dir_vecs)
right_side = np.sum(dir_vecs * hull_coords, axis=1)
sign = np.sign(left_side - right_side)
return np.sum(sign) < 0
n_hullnodes_dists, n_hullnodes_ids = tree.query(obj_coord, k=20)
mean_dists = np.mean(n_hullnodes_dists)
return mean_dists < max_sj_dist
# here annotation_ids_new contains only one node.
keys = arr(data.ids)[red_ids]
curr_objects = [data.object_dict[key] for key in keys]
nb_cpus = max(cpu_count() / 2 - 2, 1)
pool = Pool(processes=nb_cpus)
curr_object_voxels = pool.map(helper_get_voxels, curr_objects)
annotation_ids_new = []
min_votes = self.obj_min_votes[objtype]
# print "Mapping objects '%s' using %d min. votes while asking %s obj. " \
# "hull voxel and using %d skeleton hull voxel to decide if in or" \
# " out." % (objtype, min_votes, nb_hull_vox, nb_voting_neighbors)
for i in range(len(curr_object_voxels)):
curr_obj_id = curr_objects[i].obj_id
curr_voxels = curr_object_voxels[i]
rand_ixs = np.random.randint(len(curr_voxels), size=nb_hull_vox)
rand_voxels = curr_voxels[rand_ixs] * self.scaling
_, skel_hull_ixs = tree.query(rand_voxels, k=nb_voting_neighbors)
is_in_hull = 0
for ii, voxel in enumerate(rand_voxels):
vx_near_cellixs = skel_hull_ixs[ii]
is_in_hull += check_hull_normals(voxel, points[vx_near_cellixs],
if is_in_hull >= min_votes:
self.mapping_info[objtype][curr_obj_id] = is_in_hull
return [[]]*(len(self.nodes)-1)+[annotation_ids_new]
[docs] def hull_sampling(self, thresh=2.2, nb_rays=20, nb_neighbors=20,
neighbor_radius=220, detect_outlier=True,
""" Calculates hull of tracing
thresh : float
factor of maximum occurring prediction value
after which membrane is triggered active.
nb_rays : int
Number of rays send at each skeleton node
(multiplied by a factor of 5). Defines the angle between two rays
(=360 / nb_rays) in the orthogonal plane.
nb_neighbors : int
minimum number of neighbors needed during
outlier detection for a single hull point to survive.
neighbor_radius : int
Radius of ball in which to look for supporting
hull voxels. Used during outlier detection.
detect_outlier : bool
use outlier-detection if True.
max_dist_mult : float
Multiplier for radius to generate maximal distance of hull points
to source node.
Average radius per node in (9,9,20) corrected units estimated by
rays propagated through Membrane prediction until threshold reached.
# print "Creating hull using scaling %s and threshold %0.2f with" \
# " outlier-detetion=%s" % (self.scaling, thresh*255.0,
# str(detect_outlier))
mem_path = self._mem_path
assert mem_path is not None, "Path to barrier must be given!"
kd = KnossosDataset()
used_node_ix = []
coms = []
mem_pos = np.array([0, 0, 0], dtype=np.int)
mem_shape = kd.boundary
# compute orthogonal plane to linear interpolated skeleton at each com
orth_plane, skel_interp = get_orth_plane(self.node_com)
# test and rewrite node positions of skeleton_data
for i, com in enumerate(self.node_com):
com = (np.array(com) - mem_pos) / self.scaling
smaller_zero = np.any(com < 0)
out_of_mem = np.any([com[k] > mem_shape[k] for k in range(3)])
if not smaller_zero or out_of_mem:
used_node_ix = arr(used_node_ix)
coms = arr(coms)
nb_nodes2proc = len(coms)
# print "Computing radii and point cloud for %d of %d nodes." % \
# (nb_nodes2proc, len(self.node_com))
# print "Total bounding box from %s to %s" % (str(np.min(coms, axis=0)),
# str(np.max(coms, axis=0)))
assert (len(orth_plane) == len(skel_interp)) and \
(len(skel_interp) == len(coms))
# Find necessary bounding boxes containing nodes and index to get
# corresponding orth. plane and interp.
boxes = []
box = [coms[0]]
node_attr = []
ix = used_node_ix[0]
# check if current node is end node
current_node = self.nodes[ix]
nb_edges = len(self.anno.getNodeReverseEdges(current_node)) + \
# store properties of nodes
node_attr.append((skel_interp[ix], orth_plane[ix], ix, nb_edges<2))
for i in range(1, len(coms)):
node_box_min = np.min(box+[coms[i]], axis=0)
node_box_max = np.max(box+[coms[i]], axis=0)
vol = np.prod(node_box_max - node_box_min)
if vol > 0.5e7:
boxes.append((arr(box), node_attr))
box = []
node_attr = []
ix = used_node_ix[i]
current_node = self.nodes[ix]
nb_edges = len(self.anno.getNodeReverseEdges(current_node)) + \
node_attr.append((skel_interp[ix], orth_plane[ix], ix, nb_edges<2))
boxes.append((arr(box), node_attr))
# print "Found %d different boxes." % len(boxes)
# print "Using %d cpus." % self._nb_cpus
pool = Pool(processes=self._nb_cpus)
m = Manager()
q = m.Queue()
result = pool.map_async(get_radii_hull, [(box, q, self.scaling,
mem_path, nb_rays, thresh, max_dist_mult)
for box in boxes])
outputs = result.get()
# print "\nFinished radius estimation and hull representation."
ixs = []
radii = []
hull_list = []
vals = []
for cnt, el in enumerate(outputs):
radii += list(el[0])
ixs += list(el[1])
hull_list += list(el[2])
vals += list(el[3])
# sort to match self.node_ids ordering
ixs = arr(ixs)
ixs_sorted = np.argsort(ixs)
radii_sorted = arr(radii)[ixs_sorted]
# check result
if len(ixs) != len(self.node_com):
raise RuntimeError("Tracing nodes during hull mapping missing!")
elif not (ixs[ixs_sorted] == np.arange(len(self.node_com))).all():
raise RuntimeError("Original tracing node indices differ from "
"returned indices in membrane radius result.")
coord_list = []
for i, node in enumerate(self.nodes):
node.setDataElem("radius", radii_sorted[i])
node.ID = np.int(node.ID)
big_skel_tree = spatial.cKDTree(coord_list)
for node in self.old_anno.getNodes():
ix_node = big_skel_tree.query(node.getCoordinate(), 1)[1]
node.setDataElem("radius", np.max((radii_sorted[ix_node], 1.)))
self.anno.nodes = set(self.nodes)
hull_coords = arr([pt for sub in hull_list for pt in sub])*self.scaling
except ValueError:
hull_coords = np.zeros((0, 3))
hull_coords = np.nan_to_num(hull_coords).astype(np.float32)
if detect_outlier:
hull_coords_ix = outlier_detection(hull_coords, nb_neighbors,
hull_coords = hull_coords[hull_coords_ix]
self._hull_coords = hull_coords
self._skel_radius = radii_sorted
[docs] def calc_myelinisation(self):
"""Calculates myelinisation at each node and writes it to
assert self._myelin_ds_path is not None, "Myelin dataset not found."
test_box = (10, 10, 5)
true_thresh = 100.
j0126_myelin_inside_ds = KnossosDataset()
for n in self.old_anno.getNodes():
myelin_b = '0'
test_vol = j0126_myelin_inside_ds.from_raw_cubes_to_matrix(test_box,
n.getCoordinate(), show_progress=False)
if np.mean(test_vol) > true_thresh:
myelin_b = '1'
n.data["myelin_pred"] = 1
n.data["myelin_pred"] = 0
node_comment = n.getComment()
ax_ix = node_comment.find('myelin')
if ax_ix == -1:
help_list = list(node_comment)
help_list[ax_ix+5] = myelin_b
majority_vote(self.old_anno, property='myelin', max_dist=2000)
def property_features(self):
"""Getter of property features, calculates axoness/spiness features
if necessary
np.array, bool
property features, if spiness feature are given
if self._property_features is None:
self._property_features, self.property_feat_names, \
self.spiness_given = calc_prop_feat_dict(self, self.context_range)
return self._property_features
[docs] def predict_property(self, rf, prop, max_neck2endpoint_dist=3000,
"""Predict property (axoness, spiness) of tracings
rf: RandomForestClassifier
prop: str
property name
max_neck2endpoint_dist: int
max_head2endpoint_dist: int
property_feature = self.property_features[prop][:, 1:]
if prop == 'axoness' and not self.spiness_given:
raise RuntimeError("Spiness feature were not given "
"during axoness prediction!")
# print "Predicting %s using %d features." % \
# (prop, property_feature.shape[1])
proba = rf.predict_proba(property_feature)
pred = rf.predict(property_feature)
node_ids = self.property_features[prop][:, 0]
for k, node_id in enumerate(node_ids):
node = self.old_anno.getNodeByID(node_id)
if prop == 'spiness' and 'axoness_pred' in node.data.keys():
if int(node.data['axoness_pred']) != 0:
node_comment = node.getComment()
ax_ix = node_comment.find(prop)
node_pred = int(pred[k])
if ax_ix == -1:
node.appendComment(prop+'%d' % node_pred)
help_list = list(node_comment)
help_list[ax_ix+7] = str(node_pred)
for ii in range(proba.shape[1]):
node.setDataElem(prop+'_proba%d' % ii, proba[k, ii])
node.setDataElem(prop+'_pred', node_pred)
node.setDataElem('branch_dist', property_feature[k, -1])
node.setDataElem('end_dist', property_feature[k, -2])
# if prop == 'axoness':
# majority_vote(self.old_anno, 'axoness', 25000)
# pass
if prop == 'spiness':
[docs] def write2pkl(self, path):
"""Writes MappedSkeleton object to .pkl file. Path is extracted from
dh._datapath and MappedSkeleton ID.
path: str
Path to kzip destination
if os.path.isfile(path):
copyfile(path, path[:-4]+'_old.pkl')
# print ".pkl file already existed, moved old one to %s." %\
# (path[:-4]+'_old.pkl')
with open(path, 'wb') as output:
pickle.dump(self, output, -1)
# print "Skeleton %s saved successfully at %s." % (self.ix, path)
[docs] def write2kzip(self, path):
"""Writes interpolated skeleton (and annotated objects) to nml at path.
If self.write_obj_voxel flag is True a .txt file containing all object
voxel with id is written in k.zip
path: str
Path to kzip destination
object_skel = Skeleton()
obj_dict = {0: 'mitos', 1: 'vc', 2: 'sj'}
re_process_skels = []
# store path to written files for kzip compression
files = []
# print 'Writing kzip to %s. Writing object voxels=%s' \
# % (path, str(self.write_obj_voxel))
if '.k.zip' in path:
path = path[:-5] + 'nml'
elif '.zip' in path:
path = path[:-3] + 'nml'
for k, objects in enumerate([self.mitos, self.vc, self.sj]):
object_annotation = SkeletonAnnotation()
object_annotation.scaling = self.scaling
if objects is None:
object_voxel = []
object_voxel_id = []
if not np.all(arr(objects.sizes) >= self.filter_size[k]):
print "Size filter does not work properly!"
for key in list(arr(objects.object_dict.keys())):
obj = objects.object_dict[key]
curr_obj_id = np.int(obj.obj_id)
map_info = self.mapping_info[obj_dict[k]][curr_obj_id]
node = SkeletonNode().from_scratch(
object_annotation, obj.rep_coord[0], obj.rep_coord[1],
obj.rep_coord[2], radius=(obj.size/4./np.pi*3)**(1/3.))
if self.write_obj_voxel:
coords_to_add = list(obj.hull_voxels*self.scaling)
except IOError, e:
# print "Could not find hull vx of object %s" % str(key)
# print e
warnings.warn("Could not find hull voxel. "
"Aborting %s." % path,
object_voxel += coords_to_add
object_voxel_id += [np.int(obj.obj_id)] * len(coords_to_add)
if self.write_obj_voxel:
obj_hull_path = path[:-4] + '_' + obj_dict[k] + '.txt'
obj_hull2text(arr(object_voxel_id), arr(object_voxel), obj_hull_path)
obj_pkl_path = path[:-4] + '_' + obj_dict[k] + '.pkl'
write_obj2pkl(objects, obj_pkl_path)
if self.soma is not None:
if self._hull_coords is not None:
hull_path = path[:-3] + 'xyz'
hull2text(self.hull_coords, self.hull_normals, hull_path)
kzip_path = path[:-3] + "k.zip"
for prop, prop_feat in self.property_features.iteritems():
feat_path = path[:-4] + '_%s_feat.csv' % prop
write_feat2csv(feat_path, prop_feat, self.property_feat_names[prop])
except IOError:
for path_to_file in files:
write_data2kzip(kzip_path, path_to_file)
# print "Mapped skeleton %s saved successfully at %s." % (self.ix,
# kzip_path)
[docs] def get_plot_obj(self):
"""Extracts coordinates from annotated SegmentationObjects
object-voxels for each object
assert self.annotation_method != None, "Objects not initialized!"
voxel_list = []
for objects in [self.mitos, self.vc, self.sj]:
voxel_list1 = []
for key in objects.object_dict.keys():
voxels = objects.object_dict[key].voxels
if np.ndim(voxels) == 1:
voxels = voxels[None, :]
mito = arr([element for sublist in voxel_list[0] for element in sublist],
dtype=np.uint32) * (self.scaling / 10)
vc = arr([element for sublist in voxel_list[1] for element in sublist],
dtype=np.uint32) * (self.scaling / 10)
sj = arr([element for sublist in voxel_list[2] for element in sublist],
dtype=np.uint32) * (self.scaling / 10)
return mito, vc, sj
[docs]def node_id2key(segdataobject, node_ids, filter_size):
Maps list indices in node_ids to keys of SegmentationObjects. Filters
objects bigger than filter_size.
:param segdataobject: UltrastructuralDataset of object type currently processed
:param node_ids: List of list containing annotated object ids for each node
:param filter_size: int minimum number of voxels of object
objects keys
for node in node_ids:
for obj in node:
if segdataobject.sizes[obj] < filter_size:
node[node.index(obj)] = -1
key = segdataobject.ids[obj]
node[node.index(obj)] = key
node_ids = [filter(lambda a: a != -1, node) for node in node_ids]
return node_ids
[docs]def outlier_detection(point_list, min_num_neigh, radius):
"""Finds hull outlier using point density criterion
point_list: list
List of coordinates
min_num_neigh: int
Minimum number of neighbors, s.t. hull-point survives.
radius: int
Radius in nm to look for neighbors
Cleaned point cloud
if len(point_list) == 0:
return np.ones((len(point_list), )).astype(np.bool)
# print "Starting outlier detection."
if np.array(point_list).ndim != 2:
points = np.array([point for sublist in point_list for point in sublist])
points = np.array(point_list)
tree = spatial.cKDTree(points)
nb_points = float(len(points))
# print "Old #points:\t%d" % nb_points
new_points = np.ones((len(points), )).astype(np.bool)
for ii, coord in enumerate(points):
neighbors = tree.query_ball_point(coord, radius)
num_neighbors = len(neighbors)
new_points[ii] = num_neighbors>=min_num_neigh
# print "Found %d outlier." % np.sum(~new_points)
return np.array(new_points)
[docs]def get_radii_hull(args):
if not ray_cast_avail:
raise RuntimeError("ray_casting_radius-module needed for this")
"""Wrapper-function for point cloud extraction from membrane prediction.
Gets a bounding box with nodes, loads the membrane prediction for these
and then calculates the radius and hull at each skeleton node.
# node attribute contains skel_interpolation, orthogonal plane and
# bool if node is end node
box, node_attr = args[0]
q = args[1]
scaling = args[2]
mem_path = args[3]
nb_rays = args[4]
thresh_factor = args[5]
max_dist_mult = args[6]
kd = KnossosDataset()
mem_shape = kd.boundary
ray_buffer = arr([2000, 2000, 2000])/scaling
prop_offset = np.max([np.min(box, axis=0) - ray_buffer,
[0,0,0]], axis=0).astype(np.int)
prop_size = np.min([np.max(box, axis=0) + ray_buffer, mem_shape],
axis=0) - prop_offset
assert np.prod(prop_size) < 10e9, "Bounding box too big!"
mem = kd.from_raw_cubes_to_matrix(prop_size.astype(np.int32),
# thresholding membrane
mem[mem <= 0.4*mem.max()] = 0
mem = mem.astype(np.uint8)
threshold = mem.max() * thresh_factor
# iterate over every node
avg_radius_list = []
all_points = []
ids = []
val_list = []
todo_list = zip(list(box), [nb_rays] * len(box), list(node_attr))
for el in todo_list:
radius, ix, membrane_points, vals = ray_casting_radius(
el[0], el[1], el[2][0], el[2][1], el[2][2],
scaling, threshold, prop_offset, mem, el[2][3], max_dist_mult)
all_points.append(arr(membrane_points, dtype=np.float32))
del mem
return avg_radius_list, ids, all_points, val_list
[docs]def read_pair_cs(pair_path):
"""Helper function to collect pairwise contact site information. Extracts
axoness prediction.
pair_path : str
path to pairwise contact site kzip
annotation object without contact site hull voxel
pairwise_anno = su.loadj0126NML(pair_path)[0]
new_anno = SkeletonAnnotation()
for node in list(pairwise_anno.getNodes()):
n_comment = node.getComment()
if '_hull' in n_comment:
return new_anno
[docs]def prepare_syns_btw_annos(pairwise_paths, dest_path, max_hull_dist=60,
Checks pairwise for contact sites between annotation objects found at paths
in nml_list. Adds sj, vc and nearest skeleton nodes to found contact sites.
Writes 'contact_sites.nml' to nml-path containing contact sites of all
pairwise_paths : list of str
List of pairwise paths to nml's
dest_path : str
Path to directory where to store result of
synapse mapping
max_hull_dist : float
maximum distance between skeletons in nm
concom_dist : float
Maximum distance of connected components (nm)
sname = socket.gethostname()
if sname[:6] in ['soma01', 'soma02', 'soma03', 'soma04', 'soma05']:
nb_cpus = np.min((2, cpu_count()-1))
nb_cpus = np.max([np.min((16, cpu_count()-1)), 1])
params = [(a, b, max_hull_dist, concom_dist, dest_path) for a, b
in pairwise_paths]
_ = start_multiprocess(syn_btw_anno_pair, params, nb_cpus=nb_cpus)
[docs]def similarity_check(skel_a, skel_b):
"""If absolute number of identical nodes is bigger then certain threshold
return similar.
skel_a : SkeletonAnnotation
Skeleton a
skel_b: SkeletonAnnotation
Skeleton b
skel_a and skel_b are similar
a_coords = arr([node.getCoordinate() for node in skel_a.getNodes()]) * \
a_coords_sample = a_coords[np.random.randint(0, len(a_coords), 100)]
b_coords = arr([node.getCoordinate() for node in skel_b.getNodes()]) * \
b_tree = spatial.cKDTree(b_coords)
a_near = b_tree.query_ball_point(a_coords_sample, 1)
nb_equal = len([id for sublist in a_near for id in sublist])
similar = nb_equal > 10
return similar
[docs]def similarity_check_star(params):
"""Helper function"""
skel1 = load_ordered_mapped_skeleton(params[0])[0]
skel2 = load_ordered_mapped_skeleton(params[1])[0]
similar = similarity_check(skel1, skel2)
return similar, params
[docs]def syn_btw_anno_pair(params):
Get synapse information between two mapped annotation objects. Details are
written to pairwise nml (all contact sites between pairs contained) and
to nml for each contact site.
params : list
[path_a, path_b, max_hull_dist, concom_dist]
path_a : str
path to mapped annotation object
path_b : str
path to mapped annotation object
max_hull_dist : float
maximum distance between skeletons (nm)
concom_dist : float
maximum distance of connected components (nm)
path_a, path_b, max_hull_dist, concom_dist, dest_path = params
vx_overlap_dist = 80
max_vc_dist = 80
max_sj_dist = 40
min_cs_area = 0.05 * 1e6
# try:
a = load_anno_list([path_a], load_mitos=False)[0]
sj_dict = load_objpkl_from_kzip(path_a)[2].object_dict
b = load_anno_list([path_b], load_mitos=False)[0]
id2skel = lambda x: str(a[0].filename) if np.int(x) == 0 else\
scaling = a[0].scaling
match = re.search(r'iter_0_(\d+)', a[0].filename)
if match:
a[0].filename = match.group(1)
match = re.search(r'iter_0_(\d+)', b[0].filename)
if match:
b[0].filename = match.group(1)
annotation_name = 'skel_' + a[0].filename + '_' + b[0].filename
# DO similarity check and skip combination if true
if a[0].filename == b[0].filename:
# print "\n Skipping nearly identical skeletons: %s and %s, " \
# "because of identical ID.\n " % (a[0].filename, b[0].filename)
return None
if similarity_check(a[0], b[0]):
# print "\n Skipping nearly identical skeletons: %s and %s, " \
# "because of similarity check.\n" % (a[0].filename, b[0].filename)
return None
csites, csite_ids = cs_btw_annos(a[0], b[0], max_hull_dist, concom_dist)
if len(csites) == 0:
return None
# save information about pairwise csites in one nml
pairwise_anno = SkeletonAnnotation()
pairwise_anno.scaling = scaling
# get sj_objects with hull voxels if available
sj_nodes = list(a[3].getNodes()) + list(b[3].getNodes())
sj_ids = []
for node in sj_nodes:
global_sj_id = np.int(re.findall('sj-(\d+)', node.getComment())[0])
sj_id_to_ix = {}
for i, entry in enumerate(sj_ids):
sj_id_to_ix[entry] = i
if len(a[0].sj_hull_coords) != 0 or len(b[0].sj_hull_coords) != 0:
sj_hull_voxel = np.concatenate((a[0].sj_hull_coords,
b[0].sj_hull_coords), axis=0)
sj_ids = np.concatenate((a[0].sj_hull_ids,
b[0].sj_hull_ids), axis=0)
sj_tree = spatial.cKDTree(sj_hull_voxel)
sj_tree = None
# get vc_objects with hull voxels if available
vc_nodes = list(a[2].getNodes()) + list(b[2].getNodes())
vc_ids = []
for node in vc_nodes:
global_vc_id = np.int(re.findall('vc-(\d+)', node.getComment())[0])
vc_id_to_ix = {}
for i, entry in enumerate(vc_ids):
vc_id_to_ix[entry] = i
if len(a[0].vc_hull_coords) != 0 or len(b[0].vc_hull_coords) != 0:
vc_hull_voxel = np.concatenate((a[0].vc_hull_coords,
b[0].vc_hull_coords), axis=0)
vc_ids = np.concatenate((a[0].vc_hull_ids,
b[0].vc_hull_ids), axis=0)
vc_tree = spatial.cKDTree(vc_hull_voxel)
vc_tree = None
# iterate over all contact sites between skeletons, calc skeleton
# kd-tree in advance
a_skel_node_list = [node for node in a[0].getNodes()]
a_skel_node_coords = arr([node.getCoordinate() for node in
a_skel_node_list]) * arr(scaling)
a_skel_node_tree = spatial.cKDTree(a_skel_node_coords)
b_skel_node_list = [node for node in b[0].getNodes()]
b_skel_node_coords = arr([node.getCoordinate() for node in
b_skel_node_list]) * arr(scaling)
b_skel_node_tree = spatial.cKDTree(b_skel_node_coords)
for i, csite in enumerate(csites):
vc_bool = False
sj_bool = False
# save information about one contact site in extra nml dependent on
# occuring vc and sj (four different categories)
contact_site_name = annotation_name+'_cs%d' % (i+1)
contact_site_anno = SkeletonAnnotation()
contact_site_anno.scaling = scaling
curr_csite_ids = arr(csite_ids[i])
csite_name = 'cs'+str(i+1)+'_'
csite_tree = spatial.cKDTree(csite)
# get hull area
csb_area = 0
csa_area = 0
csb_points = arr(csite)[curr_csite_ids]
csa_points = arr(csite)[~curr_csite_ids]
if np.sum(curr_csite_ids) > 3:
csb_area = convex_hull_area(csb_points)
except Exception, e:
# print e
# print "Could not calculate a_area!!!!"
if np.sum(~curr_csite_ids) > 3:
csa_area = convex_hull_area(csa_points)
except Exception, e:
# print e
# print "Could not calculate b_area!!!!"
for j, coord in enumerate(csite):
coord_id = curr_csite_ids[j]
node = SkeletonNode().from_scratch(
contact_site_anno, coord[0]/scaling[0], coord[1]/scaling[1],
node.setPureComment(csite_name + id2skel(coord_id) + '_hull')
mean_cs_area = np.mean((csb_area, csa_area))
if mean_cs_area < min_cs_area:
# print "Skipping cs because of area:", mean_cs_area
# get hull distance
csa_tree = spatial.cKDTree(csa_points)
dist, ixs = csa_tree.query(csb_points, 1)
cs_dist = np.min(dist)
# check vc and sj
if sj_tree is not None:
near_sj_ixs = sj_tree.query_ball_point(csite, max_sj_dist)
near_sj_ids = list(set([sj_ids[id] for sublist in near_sj_ixs.tolist()
for id in sublist]))
near_sj_ids = []
overlap = 0
abs_ol = 0
overlap_cs = 0
overlap_area = 0
overlap_coords = np.array([])
for sj_id in near_sj_ids:
sj_ix = sj_id_to_ix[sj_id]
node = copy.copy(sj_nodes[sj_ix])
curr_sj_voxel = np.array(sj_dict[sj_id].voxels) * scaling
overlap_new, overlap_cs_new, overlap_area_new,\
center_coord_new, overlap_coords_new = calc_overlap(
csite, curr_sj_voxel, vx_overlap_dist)
abs_ol_new = overlap_new*len(curr_sj_voxel)
old_comment = node.getComment()
node.setPureComment(csite_name + 'relol%0.3f_absol%d' %
(overlap_new, abs_ol_new) + old_comment)
if overlap_new > overlap:
overlap = overlap_new
abs_ol = abs_ol_new
overlap_cs = overlap_cs_new
overlap_area = overlap_area_new
overlap_coords = overlap_coords_new
if vc_tree is not None:
near_vc_ixs = vc_tree.query_ball_point(csite, max_vc_dist)
near_vc_ids = list(set([vc_ids[ix] for sublist in
near_vc_ixs.tolist() for ix in sublist]))
near_vc_ids = []
for vc_id in near_vc_ids:
vc_ix = vc_id_to_ix[vc_id]
node = copy.copy(vc_nodes[vc_ix])
dist, nearest_ix = csite_tree.query(node.getCoordinate(), 1)
nearest_id = curr_csite_ids[nearest_ix]
old_comment = node.getComment()
node.setPureComment(csite_name + id2skel(nearest_id) +
'_' + old_comment)
# get center node (representative cs coordinate)
cs_center = np.sum(csite, axis=0) / float(len(csite))
cs_center_ix = csite_tree.query(cs_center)[1]
cs_center = csite[cs_center_ix]
node = SkeletonNode().from_scratch(contact_site_anno,
comment = csite_name+'area%0.2f_dist%0.4f_center' % (mean_cs_area,
node.data['adj_skel1'] = a[0].filename
node.data['adj_skel2'] = b[0].filename
if len(near_vc_ids) > 0:
vc_bool = True
comment += '_vc'
contact_site_name += '_vc'
if len(near_sj_ids) > 0:
sj_bool = True
comment += '_sj_relol%0.3f_absol%d_csrelol%0.3f_areaol%0.3f' % \
(overlap, abs_ol, overlap_cs, overlap_area)
contact_site_name += '_sj'
np.save(dest_path + '/overlap_vx/' + contact_site_name +
'ol_vx.npy', overlap_coords)
node.data['syn_feat'] = np.array([cs_dist, mean_cs_area, overlap_area,
overlap, abs_ol, overlap_cs])
node.data['cs_dist'] = cs_dist
node.data['mean_cs_area'] = mean_cs_area
node.data['overlap_area'] = overlap_area
node.data['overlap'] = overlap
node.data['abs_ol'] = abs_ol
node.data['overlap_cs'] = overlap_cs
node.data['cs_name'] = contact_site_name
# get closest skeleton nodes
dist, a_nearest_sn_ixs = a_skel_node_tree.query(cs_center, 2)
a_source_node = a_skel_node_list[a_nearest_sn_ixs[0]]
a_nn = max_nodes_in_path(a[0], a_source_node, 100)
# get nearest node to source node of skeleton b and average radius
a_source_node_nn = a_skel_node_list[a_nearest_sn_ixs[1]]
mean_radius = np.mean([a_source_node.data['radius'],
for j, node in enumerate(a_nn):
if j == 0:
comment = csite_name+a[0].filename+'_skelnode'+\
'_area %0.2f' % (csa_area)
node.data['head_diameter'] = mean_radius * 2
node.data['skel_id'] = int(a[0].filename)
comment = csite_name+a[0].filename+'_skelnode%d' % j
curr_node = copy.copy(node)
for j, node in enumerate(a_nn):
target_node = list(a[0].getNodeEdges(node))[0]
contact_site_anno.addEdge(node, target_node)
pairwise_anno.addEdge(node, target_node)
except (KeyError, IndexError):
dist, b_nearest_sn_ixs = b_skel_node_tree.query(cs_center, 2)
b_source_node = b_skel_node_list[b_nearest_sn_ixs[0]]
b_nn = max_nodes_in_path(b[0], b_source_node, 100)
# get nearest node to source node of skeleton b and average radius
b_source_node_nn = b_skel_node_list[b_nearest_sn_ixs[1]]
mean_radius = np.mean([b_source_node.data['radius'],
for j, node in enumerate(b_nn):
if j == 0:
comment = csite_name+b[0].filename+'_skelnode'+'_area %0.2f'\
% (csb_area)
node.data['head_diameter'] = mean_radius * 2
node.data['skel_id'] = int(b[0].filename)
comment = csite_name+b[0].filename+'_skelnode%d' % j
curr_node = copy.copy(node)
for j, node in enumerate(b_nn):
target_node = list(b[0].getNodeEdges(node))[0]
contact_site_anno.addEdge(node, target_node)
pairwise_anno.addEdge(node, target_node)
except (KeyError, IndexError):
dummy_skel = Skeleton()
cs_destpath = dest_path
if vc_bool and sj_bool:
cs_destpath += 'cs_vc_sj/'
elif vc_bool and not sj_bool:
cs_destpath += 'cs_vc/'
elif not vc_bool and sj_bool:
cs_destpath += 'cs_sj/'
elif not vc_bool and not sj_bool:
cs_destpath += 'cs/'
if len(pairwise_anno.getNodes()) == 0:
# print "Did not found any node in annotation object."
return None
pairwise_anno.appendComment('%dcs' % len(csites))
dummy_skel = Skeleton()
del dummy_skel
return 0
[docs]def max_nodes_in_path(anno, source_node, max_number):
"""Find specified number of nodes along skeleton from source node (BFS).
anno: SkeletonAnnotation
tracing on which to search
source_node: SkeletonNode
Starting node
max_number: int
Maximum number of nodes
list of SkeletonNodes
Tracing nodes up to certain distance from source node
skel_graph = su.annotation_to_nx_graph(anno)
reachable_nodes = [source_node]
for edge in nx.bfs_edges(skel_graph, source_node):
next_node = edge[1]
if len(reachable_nodes) >= max_number:
return reachable_nodes
[docs]def feature_valid_syns(cs_dir, only_sj=True, only_syn=True, all_contacts=False):
"""Returns the features of valid synapses predicted by synapse rfc
cs_dir : str
Path to computed contact sites.
only_sj : bool
Return feature of all contact sites with mapped sj.
only_syn : bool
Returns feature only if synapse was predicted
all_contacts : bool
Use all contact sites for feature extraction
np.array (n x f), np.array (n x 1), np.array (n x 1)
features, array of contact site IDS, boolean array of synapse prediction
clf_path = cs_dir + '/../models/rf_synapses/rfc_syn.pkl'
cs_fpaths = []
if only_sj:
search_folder = ['cs_sj/', 'cs_vc_sj/']
elif all_contacts:
search_folder = ['cs_sj/', 'cs_vc_sj/', 'cs/', 'cs_vc/']
search_folder = ['cs/', 'cs_vc/']
sample_list_len = []
for k, ending in enumerate(search_folder):
curr_dir = cs_dir+ending
curr_fpaths = get_filepaths_from_dir(curr_dir, ending='nml')
cs_fpaths += curr_fpaths
if len(cs_fpaths) == 0:
return np.zeros(0, ), np.zeros(0, ), np.zeros(0, ).astype(np.bool)
nb_cpus = cpu_count()
pool = Pool(processes=nb_cpus)
m = Manager()
q = m.Queue()
params = [(sample, q) for sample in cs_fpaths]
result = pool.map_async(readout_cs_info, params)
res = result.get()
res = arr(res)
non_instances = arr([isinstance(el, np.ndarray) for el in res[:,0]])
cs_infos = res[non_instances]
features = arr([el.astype(np.float) for el in cs_infos[:,0]], dtype=np.float)
if not only_sj or not only_syn or all_contacts:
syn_pred = np.ones((len(features), ))
rfc_syn = joblib.load(clf_path)
syn_pred = rfc_syn.predict(features)
axoness_info = cs_infos[:, 1]
return features, axoness_info, syn_pred.astype(np.bool)
[docs]def readout_cs_info(args):
"""Helper function of feature_valid_syns
args: tuple
path to file and queue
np.array, str
synapse features, contact site ID
cspath, q = args
feat = None
if q is not None:
cs = read_pair_cs(cspath)
for node in cs.getNodes():
if 'center' in node.getComment():
feat = parse_synfeature_from_node(node)
return feat, cs.getComment()
[docs]def calc_syn_dict(features, axoness_info, get_all=False):
Creates dictionary of synapses. Keys are ids of pre cells and values are
dictionaries of corresponding synapses with post cell ids.
features: np.array
synapse feature
axoness_info: np.array
string containing axoness information of cells
get_all : bool
collect all contact sites
np.array, np.array, dict, np.array, np.array, dict
synapse features, axoness information, connectivity,\
post synaptic cell ids, synapse predictions, axoness
total_size = float(len(axoness_info))
if total_size == 0:
print "No synapse dict to create."
return np.zeros(0, ), np.zeros(0,), {}, np.zeros(0, ), np.zeros(0, ), {}
ax_ax_cnt = 0
den_den_cnt = 0
all_post_ids = []
pre_dict = {}
val_syn_ixs = []
valid_syn_array = np.ones_like(features)
axoness_dict = {}
for k, ax_info in enumerate(axoness_info):
stdout.write("\r%0.2f" % (k / total_size))
cell1, cell2 = re.findall('(\d+)axoness(\-?\d+)', ax_info)
cs_nb = re.findall('cs(\d+)', ax_info)[0]
cell_ids = arr([cell1[0], cell2[0]], dtype=np.int)
cell_axoness = arr([cell1[1], cell2[1]], dtype=np.int)
axoness_entry = {str(cell1[0]): cell1[1], str(cell2[0]): cell2[1]}
axoness_dict[cs_nb + '_' + cell1[0] + '_' + cell2[0]] = axoness_entry
if cell_axoness[0] == cell_axoness[1]:
if cell_axoness[0] == 1:
ax_ax_cnt += 1
den_den_cnt += 1
valid_syn_array[k] = 0
if not get_all:
pre_ix = np.argmax(cell_axoness)
pre_id = cell_ids[pre_ix]
if pre_ix == 0:
post_ix = 1
post_ix = 0
post_id = cell_ids[post_ix]
all_post_ids += [post_id]
syn_dict = {}
syn_dict['post_id'] = post_id
syn_dict['post_axoness'] = cell_axoness[post_ix]
syn_dict['cs_area'] = features[k, 1]
syn_dict['sj_size_abs'] = features[k, 2]
syn_dict['sj_size_rel'] = features[k, 3]
if pre_id in pre_dict.keys():
syns = pre_dict[pre_id]
if post_id in syns.keys():
syns[post_id]['cs_area'] += features[k, 1]
syns[post_id]['sj_size_abs'] += features[k, 2]
syns[post_id] = syn_dict
syns = {}
syns[post_id] = syn_dict
pre_dict[pre_id] = syns
return features[val_syn_ixs], axoness_info[val_syn_ixs], pre_dict,\
all_post_ids, valid_syn_array, axoness_dict
[docs]def cs_btw_annos(anno_a, anno_b, max_hull_dist, concom_dist):
Computes contact sites between two annotation objects and returns hull
points of both skeletons near contact site.
anno_a : SkeletonAnnotation
Annotation object A
anno_b : SkeletonAnnotation
Annotation object B
max_hull_dist : int
Maximum distance between skeletons in nm
concom_dist : int
maximum distance of connected components (nm)
List of hull coordinates for each contact site
hull_a = anno_a.hull_coords
hull_b = anno_b.hull_coords
if len(hull_a) == 0 or len(hull_b) == 0:
# print "One skeleton hull is empty!! Skipping pair."
return [], []
tree_a = spatial.cKDTree(hull_a)
tree_b = spatial.cKDTree(hull_b)
contact_ids = tree_a.query_ball_tree(tree_b, max_hull_dist)
num_neighbours = arr([len(sublist) for sublist in contact_ids])
contact_coords_a = hull_a[num_neighbours>0]
contact_ids_b = set([id for sublist in contact_ids for id in sublist])
contact_coords_b = hull_b[list(contact_ids_b)]
if contact_coords_a.ndim == 1:
contact_coords_a = contact_coords_a[None, :]
if contact_coords_b.ndim == 1:
contact_coords_b = contact_coords_a[None, :]
contact_coords = np.concatenate((contact_coords_a, contact_coords_b), axis=0)
if contact_coords.shape[0] >= 0.95*(len(hull_a)+len(hull_b)):
print "Found too many contact_coords (proportion of total hull voxel:" \
"%0.3f) assuming similar skeleton comparison between skeleton" \
"%s and %s. " \
% (contact_coords.shape[0] / float(len(hull_a)+len(hull_b)),
anno_a.filename, anno_b.filename)
return [], []
if contact_coords.shape[0] == 0:
return [], []
pdists = spatial.distance.pdist(contact_coords)
pdists[pdists > concom_dist] = 0
pdists = sparse.csr_matrix(spatial.distance.squareform(pdists))
nb_cc, labels = sparse.csgraph.connected_components(pdists)
cs_list = []
for label in set(labels):
curr_label_ixs = labels == label
# extract annotation ids
tree_a_b = spatial.cKDTree(np.concatenate((hull_a, hull_b), axis=0))
contact_site_coord_ids = []
min_id_b = len(hull_a)
for cs in cs_list:
# map the contact site to each coordinate
ids_temp = tree_a_b.query(cs, 1)[1]
in_b = arr(ids_temp>=min_id_b, dtype=np.bool)
return cs_list, contact_site_coord_ids
[docs]def translate_dense_tracings():
fpaths = get_filepaths_from_dir('/lustre/pschuber/dense_vol_tracings/source/')
for p in fpaths:
s = load_ordered_mapped_skeleton(p)[0]
for n in s.getNodes():
n.setCoordinate(n.getCoordinate()-np.array([3540, 4843, 2418]))
file_name = os.path.basename(p)
dummy_skel = Skeleton()
dummy_skel.to_kzip("/lustre/pschuber/SyConnDenseCube/tracings/" +