Source code for syconn.processing.cell_types

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SyConn - Synaptic connectivity inference toolkit
# Copyright (c) 2016 - now
# Max-Planck-Institute for Medical Research, Heidelberg, Germany
# Authors: Sven Dorkenwald, Philipp Schubert, Jörgen Kornfeld

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from learning_rfc import *
from ..multi_proc.multi_proc_main import start_multiprocess
from ..processing.features import *
from ..utils.datahandler import get_filepaths_from_dir,\
    load_ordered_mapped_skeleton, load_mapped_skeleton, get_paths_of_skelID,\
    write_obj2pkl, load_pkl2obj, get_skelID_from_path
from ..utils.neuron import Neuron

rf_params = {'n_estimators': 4000, 'oob_score': True, 'n_jobs': -1,
             'class_weight': 'balanced', 'max_features': 0.66}

rf_params_nodewise = {'n_estimators': 2000, 'oob_score': True, 'n_jobs': -1,
                      'class_weight': 'balanced', 'max_features': 'auto'}

[docs]def get_cell_type_labels(): """Cell type labels for HVC(0), LMAN(0), STN(0), MSN(1), GP(2), FS(3) Returns ------- dict convetion dictionary for cell type labels (str), returns integer """ labels = {} labels["HVC"] = 0 labels["LMAN"] = 0 labels["STN"] = 0 labels["MSN"] = 1 labels["GP"] = 2 labels["FS"] = 3 return labels
[docs]def get_cell_type_classes_dict(): """ Returns ------- dict dictionary from integer label to full cell name as string """ label_strings_dict = {} label_strings_dict[0] = "Excitatory Axons" label_strings_dict[1] = "Medium spiny Neurons" label_strings_dict[2] = "Pallidal-like Neurons" label_strings_dict[3] = "Inhibitory Interneurons" cell_type_label_dict = get_cell_type_labels() cell_type_classes_dict = {} for key, value in cell_type_label_dict.iteritems(): try: cell_type_classes_dict[label_strings_dict[value]].append(key) except KeyError: cell_type_classes_dict[label_strings_dict[value]] = [key] return cell_type_classes_dict
[docs]def save_cell_type_clf(gt_path, clf_used='rf', load_data=True): """Save axoness clf specified by clf_used to gt_directory. Parameters ---------- gt_path : str path to cell type gt clf_used : str load_data : bool """ X_cells_types, Y_cells_types = load_celltype_gt(load_data=load_data) save_train_clf(X_cells_types, Y_cells_types, clf_used, gt_path, params=rf_params)
[docs]def load_celltype_gt(wd, load_data=True, return_ids=False): """Load ground truth of cell types (HVC, LMAN, STN) => excitatory axons (0) (MSN) => medium spiny neuron (1) (GP) => pallidal-like neurons (2) (FS) => inhibitory interneuron (3) Parameters ---------- wd : str Path to working directory Returns ------- numpy.array, numpy.array cell type features, cell type labels """ if not load_data: save_cell_type_feats(wd) skel_ids, skel_feat = load_celltype_feats(wd) skel_label = load_cell_gt(skel_ids) bool_arr = skel_label != -1 x = skel_feat[bool_arr] y = skel_label[bool_arr] if return_ids: return x, y.astype(np.uint), skel_ids[bool_arr] return x, y.astype(np.uint)
[docs]def find_cell_types_from_dict(wd, cell_type): """ Parameters ---------- wd : str Path to working directory cell_type : int label (0 = EA, 1 = MSN, 2 = GP, 3 = INT) Returns ------- list of str paths of cells of type cell_type. """ skel_dir = wd + '/neurons/' cell_type_dict = load_pkl2obj(wd + '/neurons/celltype_labels.pkl') fpaths = [] label_dict = get_cell_type_labels() if cell_type in label_dict.keys(): cell_type = label_dict.values()[label_dict.keys().index(cell_type)] for key, value in cell_type_dict.iteritems(): if value == cell_type: path = get_paths_of_skelID([str(key)], traced_skel_dir=skel_dir)[0] fpaths.append(path) return fpaths
[docs]def get_id_dict_from_skel_ids(skel_ids): """ Calc dictionary to get new label (from 0 to len(skel_paths) from skeleton ID. Parameters ---------- skel_ids : list of int Returns ------- dict, dict Dictionary to get new ID with old ID, dictionary to get old ID with new ID """ id_dict = {} rev_id_dict = {} for skel_id in skel_ids: id_dict[skel_id] = len(id_dict.keys()) rev_id_dict[len(rev_id_dict.keys())] = skel_id return id_dict, rev_id_dict
[docs]def load_cell_gt(skel_ids, wd): """Load cell types of skel ids Parameters ---------- skel_ids : list of int wd : str Returns ------- np.array cell type labels """ skel_labels = -1 * np.ones(len(skel_ids)) consensi_celltype_label = load_pkl2obj(wd + '/neurons/celltype_labels.pkl') for i in range(len(skel_ids)): try: class_nb = consensi_celltype_label[skel_ids[i]] skel_labels[i] = class_nb except KeyError: pass # print "Using %d/%d labeled skeletons as GT for cell type RFC training." % \ # (len(skel_labels[skel_labels != -1]), len(skel_labels)) return skel_labels
[docs]def load_celltype_feats(wd): """Loads cell type feature and corresponding ids from dictionaries Parameters ---------- wd : str Path to working directory Returns ------- np.array cell type features """ if not os.path.isfile(wd + '/neurons/celltype_feat_dict.pkl'): save_cell_type_feats(wd) feat_dict = load_pkl2obj(wd + '/neurons/celltype_feat_dict.pkl') skeleton_feats = np.zeros((len(feat_dict.keys()), len(feat_dict.values()[0]))) skeleton_ids = [] ii = 0 for key, val in feat_dict.iteritems(): skeleton_feats[ii] = arr(val) skeleton_ids.append(key) ii += 1 ixs = np.argsort(skeleton_ids) return arr(skeleton_ids)[ixs], skeleton_feats[ixs]
[docs]def load_celltype_probas(wd): """Loads cell type probabilities and corresponding ids from dictionaries Parameters ---------- wd : str Path to working directory Returns ------- np.array, np.array cell ids, cell label probabilities """ if not os.path.isfile(wd + '/neurons/celltype_proba_dict.pkl'): predict_celltype_label(wd) proba_dict = load_pkl2obj(wd + '/neurons/celltype_proba_dict.pkl') skel_probas = [] skeleton_ids = [] for key, val in proba_dict.iteritems(): skel_probas.append(val) skeleton_ids.append(key) ixs = np.argsort(skeleton_ids) return arr(skeleton_ids)[ixs], arr(skel_probas)[ixs]
[docs]def load_celltype_preds(wd): """Loads cell type predictions and corresponding ids from dictionaries Parameters ---------- wd : str Path to working directory Returns ------- np.array, np.array cell ids, cell labels """ if not os.path.isfile(wd + '/neurons/celltype_pred_dict.pkl'): predict_celltype_label(wd) pred_dict = load_pkl2obj(wd + '/neurons/celltype_pred_dict.pkl') skel_probas = [] skeleton_ids = [] for key, val in pred_dict.iteritems(): skel_probas.append(val) skeleton_ids.append(key) ixs = np.argsort(skeleton_ids) return arr(skeleton_ids)[ixs], arr(skel_probas)[ixs]
[docs]def predict_celltype_label(wd): """Predict celltyoe labels in working directory with pre-trained classifier in subfolder models/rf_celltypes/rf.pkl Parameters ---------- wd : str path to working directory """ rf = joblib.load(wd + '/models/rf_celltypes/rf.pkl') skeleton_ids, skeleton_feats = load_celltype_feats(wd) skel_type_probas = rf.predict_proba(skeleton_feats) proba_dict = {} cell_type_pred_dict = {} for ii, proba in enumerate(skel_type_probas): proba_dict[skeleton_ids[ii]] = proba cell_type_pred_dict[skeleton_ids[ii]] = np.argmax(proba) write_obj2pkl(cell_type_pred_dict, wd + '/neurons/' 'celltype_pred_dict.pkl') write_obj2pkl(proba_dict, wd + '/neurons/celltype_proba_dict.pkl')
[docs]def save_cell_type_feats(wd): """Saves cell type feature for type prediction Parameters ---------- wd : str Path to working directory """ skel_dir = wd + '/neurons/' skel_paths = get_filepaths_from_dir(skel_dir) # print "Calculating cell type feats of %d tracings." % len(skel_paths) # predict skeleton cell type probability skel_ids = [] feat_dict = {} params = [(p, wd) for p in skel_paths] result_tuple = start_multiprocess(calc_neuron_feat_star, params, debug=True) for feat, skel_id in result_tuple: skel_ids.append(skel_id) feat_dict[skel_id] = feat[0] write_obj2pkl(feat_dict, wd + '/neurons/celltype_feat_dict.pkl') # get example neuron and write neuron feature names cell = load_mapped_skeleton(skel_paths[0], True, True)[0] cell.filename = skel_paths[0] neuron = Neuron(cell, wd=wd) _ = neuron.neuron_features feat_names = neuron.neuron_feature_names + '/neurons/celltype_feat_names.npy', feat_names)
[docs]def calc_neuron_feat_star(params): return calc_neuron_feat(params[0], params[1])
[docs]def calc_neuron_feat(path, wd): """Calculate neuron features using neuron class Parameters ---------- path : str path to mapped annotation kzip Returns ------- numpy.array, numpy.array cell type features, skeleton ID """ orig_skel_id = get_skelID_from_path(path) cell = load_mapped_skeleton(path, True, True)[0] cell.filename = path neuron = Neuron(cell, wd=wd) feats = neuron.neuron_features # if np.any(np.isnan(feats)): # print "Found nans in feautres of skel %s" % path, \ # neuron.neuron_feature_names[np.isnan(neuron.neuron_features[0])] # print neuron.neuron_features[0][np.isnan(neuron.neuron_features[0])] # print "Finished feature extraction of %s" % path return feats, orig_skel_id
[docs]def write_feats_importance(wd, load_data=True, clf_used='rf'): """Writes out feature importances and feature names to gt_dir Parameters ---------- wd : str load_data : bool clf_used : str """ save_cell_type_clf(wd, load_data=load_data, clf_used=clf_used) feat_names = np.load(wd + '/neurons/feat_names.npy') rf = joblib.load(wd + '/models/celltypes/%s.pkl' % (clf_used)) importances = rf.feature_importances_ feature_importance(rf, save_path='/home/pschuber/figures/cell_types/' 'rf_feat_importance.png') tree_imp = [tree.feature_importances_ for tree in rf.estimators_] std = np.std(tree_imp, axis=0) / np.sqrt(len(tree_imp)) assert len(importances) == len(feat_names), "Number of names and features" \ "differs." + '/neurons/feat_importances.npy', importances) + '/neurons/feat_std.npy', std)
[docs]def draw_feat_hist(wd, k=15, classes=(0, 1, 2, 3), nb_bars=20): """Draws the histgoram(s) of the most k important feature(s) Parameters ---------- wd : str Path to working directory k : int Number of features to be plotted classes : tuple Class labels to evaluate nb_bars : int Number of bars in histogram """ label_strings_dict = {} label_strings_dict[0] = "Excitatory Axons" label_strings_dict[1] = "Medium Spiny Neurons" label_strings_dict[2] = "Pallidal-like Neurons" label_strings_dict[3] = "Inhibitory Interneurons" importances = np.load(wd + '/neurons/feat_importances.npy') feat_names = np.load(wd + '/neurons/feat_names.npy') skel_ids, feats = load_celltype_feats(wd) skel_ids2, skel_type_probas = load_celltype_probas(wd) assert np.all(np.equal(skel_ids, skel_ids2)), "Skeleton ordering wrong for"\ "probabilities and features." skel_preds = np.argmax(skel_type_probas, axis=1) indices = np.argsort(importances)[::-1] for n in range(k): ix = indices[n] fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.patch.set_facecolor('white') ax.tick_params(axis='x', which='major', labelsize=16, direction='out', length=8, width=2, right="off", top="off", pad=10) ax.tick_params(axis='y', which='major', labelsize=16, direction='out', length=8, width=2, right="off", top="off", pad=10) ax.tick_params(axis='x', which='minor', labelsize=12, direction='out', length=4, width=1, right="off", top="off", pad=10) ax.tick_params(axis='y', which='minor', labelsize=12, direction='out', length=4, width=1, right="off", top="off", pad=10) ax.spines['left'].set_linewidth(2) ax.spines['bottom'].set_linewidth(2) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) curr_feat_name = feat_names[ix] ax.set_ylabel('Relative Counts', fontsize=18) ax.set_xlabel('%s' % curr_feat_name, fontsize=18) plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) colors = ['r', 'b', arr([135, 206, 250])/255., arr([255, 255, 224])/255.] mask_arr = np.zeros(len(feats), dtype=np.bool) for c in classes: mask_arr += skel_preds == c x_max = np.max(feats[mask_arr, ix]) x_min = np.min(feats[mask_arr, ix]) ranges = (x_min, x_max) for ii, c in enumerate(classes): mask_arr = skel_preds == c ax.hist(feats[mask_arr][:, ix], normed=True, range=ranges, alpha=0.8, bins=nb_bars, label=label_strings_dict[c], color=colors[ii]) ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim() xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim() ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax*1.1) ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax*1.1) legend = ax.legend(loc="upper right", frameon=False, prop={'size': 16}) fig_path = wd + '/figures/' plt.savefig(fig_path + "/feat%dhist%d.png" % (n, len(classes)), dpi=600)